The Body as a Whole Flashcards
Define anatomy
The study of the structure of the human body
Define physiology
The study of the functioning of living organisms
What is the anatomical position?
The erect position of the body with the face directed forward, the arms at the side, and the palms of the hands facing forward
What is anatomical position used for?
Used as a reference in describing the relation of body parts to one another
In terms of anatomical position, define superior and inferior.
Superior = upper body Inferior = lower body
In terms of anatomical position, define lateral and medial.
Lateral = further from midline Medial = closer to midline
In terms of anatomical position, define proximal and distal.
Proximal = closer to specific structure/ joint Distal = further from specific structure/ joint
In terms of anatomical position, define anterior and posterior.
Anterior = front Posterior = back
What are body planes?
Planes used in reference to another body.
What is the sagittal plane?
aka. Median. ‘through the middle’; front-to-back
What is the corontal plane?
aka. Frontal. ‘front facing’; side-to-side
What is the transverse plane?
aka. Horizontal; across
What is the parasagittal plane?
Same direction as sagittal plane, creates uneven halves
What is the oblique plane?
At an angle
What are body cavities?
Any fluid-filled space in a multicellular organism other than those of vessels
What is the cranial cavity?
Body cavity containing the brain
What is the spinal cavity?
Body cavity containing the spine
What is the thoratic cavity?
Body cavity containing heart and lungs
What is the abdominal cavity?
Body cavity containing stomach and intestines
What is the pelvic cavity?
Body cavity containing pelvis
Identify the 4 abdominopelvic quadrants.
Upper Right, Upper Left, Lower Right, Lower Left
Identify the 9 abdominopelvic regions.
Right hypochindriac | Epigastric | Left hypochondriac
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Right lumbar | Umbilical | Left Lumbar
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Right iliac | Hypogastric | Left iliac