The Blind Eye Flashcards
What are the eight main causes of blindness?
- Symblepharon
- Keratitis
- PPMs
- Uvea problems
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Posterior segment
- Optic nerve disease
What is symblepharon?
Adhesions between conjunctiva/eyelid/cornea/TE
What disease is associated with symblepharon?
Feline herpesvirus type I
What is keratitis?
Inflammation of the cornea
Give examples of a common keratitis…
Pigmentary keratopathy which is common in brachycephalics. This is secondary to entropion, distichiasis and euryblepharon
What are PPMs?
Persistent pupillary membranes. They are an embryologic memebranes that should regress originating from the iris collaretes. If they persist they can cause corneal and lens opacity.
What are the clinical signs of uveal problems?
Tyndall effect Hypopyon Hyphema Synechia Decreased IOP If chronic, increased IOP
What are the complications of uveitis?
Corneal oedema Cataracts Synechia PFIMs Retinal detachment Lens luxation Glaucoma
What are the causes of corneal oedema?
Epithelial: Ulcer
Endothelial: Uveitis, glaucoma, lens luxation
Vascular: Vessels in the cornea
What are the causes of uveal problems?
Systemic hypertension Viral: FeLV, FIV Parasitic: Toxo, leishmania Fungal: Cryptococcus Bacterial: Pyometra Immune: Uveodermatological syndrome Neoplasticism: Lymphoma, metastatic adenocarinoma Complicated ulcers: Reflex uveitis
How would you treat uveal problems?
Treat the cause:
Hypertension - ACEI
Systemic anti-inflammatory - carpofen, meloxicam, prednisone
Topical anti-inflammatories - Steroid eyepdrops QID. (Prenisolone acetate or dexamethatsone phosphate)
Cycloplegics: Tropicamide BID
What are the other findings of systemic hypertension?
Hyphema, retinal haemorrhage, bullous retinal detachment
What are the 7 causes of cataracts?
- Inherited
- Congenital
- Traumatic
- Metabolic
- Nutritional
- Senile
What is a nuclear cataract?
The most common type bringing with a gradual hardening of the central zone of the lens
What traumatic reasons cause a cataract?
Foreign bodies
Cat scratches