The Black Death: history, religion, quarantine Flashcards
which bacteria caused the plague
yersinia pestis
what are 3 pandemics of likely plague?
Plague of Justinian (541-700AD)
The Black Death (1347-1700AD)
Third Resurgence of Plague (1892-present)
describe the plague of justinian
all of mediterranean and lots of old roman empire involved. majority of europe, some of middle east and north africa
20 million deaths
30-50% mortality
describe the black death
strictly refers to 1347-1352 outbreak in mostly western europe (due to lack of info)
10-20 million deaths
30-50% mortality
controversial origins. may have started in southern Russia or India or southwest asia
spread west and north to europe, arrived in sicily in 1347
describe the second pandemic of plague
1347-1700. includes black death
introduced via silk road, spread like crazy in europe
describe the third resurgence of plague
started in china and india
how did the black death get to europe
spread through trade networks, and advanced along muslim trade routes in africa and middle east
outbreak in Kaffa, which is thought as the city where the european pandemic started. thought that mongols hurled plague victims over castle wall in Kaffa siege
what were some chronicled symptoms for the plague
buboes in armpits, neck and groin (lymph nodes)
spitting up blood
horrible stench
high fever, extreme thirst
few survivors, most died after 5-7 days, some within 24 hours
may reflect different forms of disease or etiological agents?
what interventions were used in the black death?
lancing the buboes (cutting them open)
what did the east smithfield black death cemetery show us?
the individual plots show there was care in how the bodies were buried, not always plague pits
how did medieval europeans understand the black death?
a product of malign astrological events
god’s punishment
not a natural event, provoked by range of sins
often depicted as arrows or angel of death
preceded by portents, omens, signs
who is St. Roach?
saint believed to provide protection from plague
and recovered victim, legend says dog helped him recover
shows buboe on his thigh
who is St. Sebastian?
roman military officer martyred in 300, shot with arrows and clubbed to death
prayed to for protection against plague
who were the flagellants
people who whipped and beat themselves in the streets to punish themselves before God so God wouldn’t punish them with plague
what responses did some people have to the Black Death?
isolation of sick (sometimes locked in houses)
quarantine: ships must stay in harbour for 40 days before landing people/cargo
blame others (jewish, sinful ppl like gamblers or prostitutes)
what were plague doctors like?
came about in 1600s
pants, hood, boots, gloves, case
herbs/flowers in mask to protect from miasma