The Beginning Of Phonological Development Flashcards
Ways language can differ (4)
Speech sounds
Sound sequences allowed (phonotactics)
Syllable structure
Speech production is analyzed by
Recording sound
X-rays of larynx
Speech perception is analyzed by
Sucking experiments (HAS)
Head turning
Brain imaging
Infant speech perception
Sound rate (heart beat soothing)
Frequency (some discrimination)
Intensity (reaction differences)
Eyes directed toward sound
Prefer speech over non speech
Preference native language
Prefer mother’s voice
Prefer stories and songs heard prenatally
Discriminate consonant sounds
How to test infant’s abilities
Head turn
Event-related potentials
High amplitude sucking
Technique tu measure perceptual abilities
1 month discrimination between 2 synthetic speech sounds with initial consonant b and p
Why use HAS
Like to hear sounds
Lose interest when sound presented repeatedly
Regain interest when new sound presented
HAS most reliable from 1 to 4 months
Categorical perception (for HAS ) for speech sounds is
Built in ability to make certain distinctions
Evidence for innateness
Perceptual reorganization is
Between 6 and 12 months
Decline in perception of phonemic contrasts not used in environment
VOT is
Voice onset time
Point at which vocal cord vibration begins
Ex: ba and pa 20 and 40 msecs (2 diff sounds detected)
Categorical perception (for VOT) is
Supporting uniqueness of language
Perceptual mechanism to support language ability
Categorical perception (counter evidence for VOT)
Some non speech sounds perceived categorically
Some mammals show phoneme boundary effect for b, p and d, t (chinchillas)
Summary of speech perception
Requires attending to new contrasts, ignoring others
Summary of categorical perception
Speech sounds are qualitatively different from other sounds
General stages in phonological development
Stage one, reflexive vocalizations (—2 months)
Stage two, cooing and laughter (2-4 months)
Stage three, vocal play (4-6 months)
Stage four, canonical babbling (CV sequence, 6 months +)
Stage five, jargon stage ( 10 months +)
Processes underlying speech sound development
Physical growth:
-vocal tract size and shape (0-3 months, radically different from adult)
-control over vocal apparatus by end of year 1
Brain stem: (basic life functions, control over pre-verbal sounds)
-cooing, limbic system function (emotional center)
-laughter, further limbic development
More context maturation:
-liked to dev of babbling
Syllable-like sounds “verbal work out” tendencies towards stops nasals and glides before fricatives africaines and liquids
-4-6 months: marginal babbling
-6-8 months: vocal play
-8-12 months: jargon or conversational babbling
Manual babbling (deaf children)
-distinctive rhythm
-occurs in signing space
Functions as words
Not necessarily based on adult word
May appear before real word
Trends in phoneme acquisition order
Vs before Cs
Stops before all other
Labials first
Interdentals last
Syllable structure processes. (2)
Reduplication (Wawa for water)
Epenthesis, v insertion (bered for bread)