the armada Flashcards
what were the 4 reasons why philip launched the armada
- religious conflict
- politics and diplomacy
- changing circumstances
- acts of provocation
what were the 3 religious conflicts
- the papacy had wanted to overthrow elizabeth since excommunicating her in 1570
- the pope promised absolution, forgiveness of sins, to those taking part in the armada
- philip II a devout catholic, had already failed in plots to get rid of elizabeth. the armada and invasion gave him another opportunity to remove her and place a catholic on the english throne
what were the 3 politics and diplomacy
- england would be a useful addition to philip’s empire as it would give spain complete control of the atlantic
- the treaty of nonsuch meant english soldiers were at war with spain so philip could justify attacking england
- the treaty of joinville meant spain could attack england without risking war with france
what were the 3 changing circumstances
- elizabeths hesitation to fully back dutch rebels was a sign of weakness and encouraged philip II to attack
- the duke of parmas success in the netherlands since 1579 meant spain’s position there was secure
- spain acquired portugal in 1580, giving philip II access to portuguese ports and ships
what were the 2 acts of provocation
- elizabeths support for dutch rebels challenged spanish interests there
- drake’s actions in the new world threatened spanish commercial interests
what were the 3 strategies philip II had
- ordered the armada (130 ships and 2431 guns) to sail along the english channel to the netherlands
- then the ships would join forces with spanish troops under the duke of parma and transport 27,000 troops to kent
- the spanish army would attack london, end elizabeth reign and establish a new catholic government
what were philip II 2 tactics
- for the invasion to succeed, the spanish needed to control of the english channel to transport parma’s troops to england
- it was vital that the english navy disrupt spanish shipping, as the spanish has a bigger and better army than the english and were likely to defeat them if they landed successfully in kent
why was the armada such a threat
if it succeeded, elizabeth could loose her her throne and possibly her life. for english protestants, including her privy councillors, a successful invasion meant the restoration of catholicism in england and the persecution of protestants. for many, the war with spain was a life and death struggle to preserve their religion and their lives
what happened on the 29 july 1588
the armada is spotted in the english channel
what happened on the 31 july 1588
battle of plymouth. two spanish ships are captured
what happened on the 3-4 august 1588
battle of the isle of wight. spanish ships are outgunned by the english and forced to move further up the channel towards calais
what happened on the 8 august 1588
battle of gravelines. fireships cause the spanish to panic. the spanish fleet never links up with the duke of parma and is scattered
what were the 6 reasons for the english victory
- communication problems
- spanish ships lacked supplies and provisions
- english tactics were superior
- english ships were better armed and equipped
- the spanish panicked
- the weather
what were the 2 reasons why communication problems caused england to win
- there was no communication between duke of parma and the duke of medina-sidonia
- no deep water ports. the dutch rebels still possessed ostend. this meant the spanish armada could not stop at any ports in the spanish netherlands, but had to meet up with the duke of parma’s army at sea after it had embarked on a series of smaller ships. this made communication very difficult
what was the reason why spanish lacking food and provisions caused england to win
the spanish fleet was at sea for 10 weeks and by early august the food had rotted. this damaged spanish morale and their ability to fight the english
what were the 2 reasons why the english tactics were superior caused england to win
- the english got close enough to the spanish ships to fire on them, but stayed far away enough to prevent spanish sailors and soldiers from boarding. this destroyed and damaged a number of spanish ships while ensuring that english losses were minimal
- drake’s use of fireships at the battle of gravelines was also important because it caused the spanish to panic
what was the reason why english ships were better armed and equipped caused england to win
in the english ships, cannons were mounted on smaller gun carriages than on spanish ships. this meant they could be reloaded and fired more quickly than the spanish cannons. this damaged many spanish ships and undermined their chances of linking up with the duke of parma and invading england
what was the reason why the spanish panicked caused england to win
the key turning point seems to have been the battle of gravelines where the english used fire ships. many spanish captains panicked, cut their anchors and allowed their ships to drift into the north sea
what was the reason why the weather caused england to win
gale force winds caused most of the destruction to the spanish ships as they retreated home. many spanish ships were destroyed off the west of ireland
what were the 4 consequences of the english victory for england
- english navy strengthened
- elizabeths authority
- foreign policy: stronger alliances in europe
- protestant cause stronger in england