The arm and forearm Flashcards
Branches of the Brachial Artery
Profunda Brachii (Deep brachial artery)
Superior Ulnar Collateral
Inferior Ulnar Collateral
Branches of the Profunda Brachii (Deep brachial artery)
Posterior descending branch (= middle collateral)
Anterior descending branch (= radial collateral)
Anterior (Flexor) Compartment Muscles
Biceps Brachii (long and short head)
Innervation of the Anterior (Flexor) Compartment
Musculocutaneous Nerve
Proximal attachment of long head of biceps brachii
Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Proximal attachment of short head of biceps brachii
Coracoid process of scapula
Distal attachment of Biceps Brachii
Radial tuberosity and fascia of forearm via bicipital aponeurosis
Actions of Biceps Brachii
Supinates forearm, when supine will flex forearm
Resists dislocation of shoulder (short head)
Blood supply to Biceps Brachii
Brachial artery
Innervation of Biceps Brachii
Musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6)
Proximal attachment of Coracobrachialis
Coracoid process of scapula
Distal attachment of Coracobrachialis
Middle 1/3 of medial humeral surface
Actions of Coracobrachialis
Flexes and adducts arm at shoulder joint
Resists dislocation of shoulder joint
Blood supply to Coracobrachialis
Brachial artery
Innervation of Coracobrachialis
Musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6, and C7)
Proximal attachment of Brachialis
Distal 1/2 of anterior surface of humerus
Distal attachment of Brachialis
Coronoid process and tuberosity of ulna
Actions of Brachialis
Flexes forearm at elbow joint
Blood supply of Brachialis
Brachial artery
Innervation of Brachialis
Musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6) Lateral portions may receive radial nerve contributions
Posterior (Extensor) Compartment Muscles
Triceps Brachii (Long, Lateral, and Medial heads) Anconeus
Innervation of Posterior (Extensor) Compartment
Radial Nerve
Proximal attachment of Anconeus
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Distal attachment of Anconeus
Lateral surface of olecranon, superior part of surface of ulna
Actions of the Anconeus
Assists triceps in extension of forearm and stabilizes elbow joint; also abducts ulna during pronation
Blood supply of Anconeus
Deep brachial artery
Innervation of Anconeus
Radial nerve (C7, C8, T1)
Proximal attachment of Long head of Triceps Brachii
Infraglenoid tubercle
Proximal attachment of Lateral head of Triceps Brachii
Posterior surface of humerus
Proximal attachment of Medial head of Triceps Brachii
Posterior surface of humerus, inferior to radial groove (spiral groove)
Distal attachment of Triceps Brachii
Proximal end of olecranon and fascia of forearm
Actions of Triceps Brachii
Extends forearm at elbow joint (main)
Resists dislocation of shoulder joint (long head)
Blood supply of Triceps Brachii
Deep brachial artery
Innervation of Triceps Brachii
Radial nerve (C6, C7, C8)
The triceps are constantly acting as ______ to the forearm flexors.
The Cubital Fossa
A junction between the arm and forearm regions (Review slides starting on page 13)
Lateral boundary of the Cubital Fossa
Medial boundary of the Cubital Fossa
Pronator teres
Superior boundary of the Cubital Fossa
An imaginary line between medial and lateral epicondyles of humerus
Roof of Cubital Fossa
Skin, superficial and deep fascia, bicipital aponeurosis
Floor of Cubital Fossa
Supinator and Brachialis
Contents of the Cubital Fossa
- Median nerve
- Bifurcation of radial and ulnar arteries
- Brachial veins (venae comitantes)
- Tendon of biceps brachii and bicipital aponeurosis
- Radial Nerve (deep radial nerve and superficial radial nerve)
Structural relationship of Bicipital Aponeurosis within the Cubital Fossa
Superficial to:
Brachial Artery
Median Artery
Structural relationship of Median Cubital Vein within the Cubital Fossa
Superficial to the bicipital aponeurosis
Structural relationship of Median Nerve within the Cubital Fossa
Medial to the brachial artery
Structural relationship of Musculocutaneous Nerve within the Cubital Fossa
Between biceps brachii and brachialis
Structural relationship of Radial Nerve within the Cubital Fossa
Between Brachioradialis and Brachialis
Structural relationship of Superficial Radial Nerve within the Cubital Fossa
Underneath Brachioradialis
Structural relationship of Supinator within the Cubital Fossa
Penetrated by deep radial nerve
Elbow Region Components
Triceps and olecranon process
Ulnar nerve rund posterior to medial epicondyle of humerus (“funny bone”)
Posterior ulnar recurrent artery
Cubital Anastomosis
See page 19 and draw it
Elbow joints
Proximal Radioulnar
Arterial supply and cubital anastomoses: Proximal Sources (Collateral) -
Superior ulnar collateral (from brachial a.)
Inferior ulnar collateral (from brachial a.)
Radial collateral (Anterior desc. branch of deep brachial)
Middle collateral (Posterior desc. branch of deep brachial)
Arterial Supply and Cubital Anastomoses: Distal Sources (Recurrent) -
Anterior ulnar recurrent a. (From ulnar a.)
Posterior ulnar recurrent a. (from ulnar a.)
Radial recurrent a. (from radial a.)
Interosseous arteries (from common interosseous a. which is a branch of ulnar a.)
Interosseous arteries
Recurrent interosseous a.
Anterior interosseous a. (not part of cubital anastomosis)
Posterior interosseous a. (not part of cubital anastomosis)
Name the recurrent artery of the Inferior ulnar collateral
Anterior ulnar recurrent
Name the recurrent artery of the Superior ulnar collateral
Posterior ulnar recurrent
Name the recurrent artery of the Radial collateral
Radial recurrent