the anterior eye (keratoconus) Flashcards
what does corneal ectasia mean?
budging and thinning of the cornea due to stromal thinning causing the cornea to become more flexible
keratoconus is progressive non-inflammatory corneal ectasia
does keratoconus affect both eyes?
usually, yes but is asymmetric
is keratoconus more prevalent in males or females? Whats its inheritance like?
slightly more common in males, has no definite inheritance pattern
how does climate affect keratoconus?
more common in hot, dry, dusty, tropical and subtropical climates
give 4 possible things that can cause or trigger keratoconus
-atopy: check for the atopic triad which is asthma, eczema and allergic rhinitis as about 1/3 of keratoconus patients have atopy
-eye rubbing/ micro trauma
-connective tissue disorders like downs and marfans
give 3 risk factors of keratoconus
-family history
-sleep apnea/ floppy eyelid syndrome: these patients already have abnormal collagen as do keratoconus patients.
how is keratoconus affected by ethnicity?
4x higher in asian (inida, pakistan bangladesh) compared to Caucasian patients
give 3 early (subtle signs) signs of keratoconus
-Patients with lots of changes in their prescription especially in their astigmatism and steepening Ks should make you suspicious of keratoconus
-Scissor and oil drop reflex on ret
-Prominent corneal curves (not just keratoconus patients)
give 3 moderate signs of keratoconus
-vogt’s striae = vertical stress lines in descemet’s membrane - by placing pressure on the globe, the lines will disappear
-Fleuscher’s ring = pigmented ring in the peripheral cornea due to iron deposits in the bowman’s layer, can be seen with cobalt blue filter. This is not always keratoconus
-Munson’s sign = v shaped indentation in the lower lid in downwards gaze
give 2 advanced signs of keratoconus
-Cornea is extremely thin which you can see in an optic section
-Stromal scarring due to corneal hydrops complication
How does corneal hydrops come about?
- cornea is very thin and stretched
- rupture in descemet’s membrane
- causing aqueous to leak into stroma and epithelium
- causing gross stromal oedema and epithelial oedema - leaves some corneal scarring
hence causes the patient alot of pain and discomfort
how does corneal hydrops get treated?
generally resolves by itself in 2-4 momths and can be good as usually causes the cornea to flatten which fixes the keratoconus
what is the numerical classification for mild keratoconus? (in terms of Ks)
> 7.50mm
what is the numerical classification for moderate keratoconus?
what is the numerical classification for advanced keratoconus? (in terms of Ks)