The Amazon case study Flashcards
Basic facts about the Amazon rainforest:
Basic facts about the Amazon rainforest: World's largest rainforest and one of the most diverse. 300 billion trees and 15,000 species. Covers aroun 5.5 million km2 Spread across 9 countries
How much of the earth’s carbon does the Amazon store?
1/5 of all the carbon in the planet’s biomass.
Estimated between 80 and 120 billion tons of carbon.
Location of the Amazon
South America
The carbon sink that the Amazon forms with other rainforest.
The carbon sink that the Amazon forms with other rainforest.
Give an example of negative feedback involving the Amazon and carbon.
Increased carbon in the atmosphere due to human activity.
Sequestering of increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere increases the productivity of tropical rainforests.
Offsets the rising atmospheric levels of CO2
A study in 2015 revealed what about the Amazon?
It is losing its capacity to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.
Peak 1990s - 2 billion tonnes of CO2/year.
Now, this has been havled.
What will lead to a surge in the rates of trees dying across the Amazon?
Increase in atmospheric CO2 led to growth spurt for the Amazon’s trees.
Growth stimulation feeds through the system, causing trees to live faster, and so die younger.
What is the average discharge of water from the Amazon?
Where does this discharge go?
175 000 m3/s or around 15 per cent of the fresh water entering the oceans each day.
Flows into Atlantic Ocean.
Name a tributary of the Amazon.
Rio Negro - second largest river in the world in terms of water flow.
What is the average rainfall across the whole Amazon rainfall?
How much never reaches the ground?
2, 300 mm annually.
Up to half of it never reaches the ground.
Of the rainfall evapotranspired back into the atmosphere, how much falls again as rain?
How much rainfall actually reaches the sea?
What happens to the rest?
The rest is caught up in the constant closed system loop.
Describe the movement of water throughout the Amazon:
Half intercepted by the canopy and re-evaporated into atmosphere.
Additional water evaporates from the ground and rivers or is released into the atmosphere by transpiration from plant leaves.
Deforestation of Amazon
How much per year is deforested?
Deforestation of Amazon
Brazilian Amazon deforested at rate of nearly 20 000 km2 per year.
Area larger than Greece destroyed.