The Amazement Revolution _ Chapter Three _ American Express Flashcards
an agreeable way or manner
any feature that provides comfort, convenience or pleasure
What amenities could you offer people that are exclusive to working with you or would be difficult find to elsewhere?
“Service is the most powerful competitive advantage we have,” Bush told me. “Service is not a cost, it is an investment. It’s a growth engine for our company. Service is one of our most powerful channels of growth opportunity. Service is value creation. Service is using human interaction to enable mutual benefit,
Workplace FUN
workplace FUN: personal fulfillment in the job; a working environment that respects each employee’s uniqueness; and a sense of escalating challenge that always leaves people looking forward to the next challenge, whether that means the next project, the next day at work, or the next rung on the career ladder.
It actually asked the people who worked in the call centers what was important to them.
“we changed the job title. And that change in terminology has worked out very well.”
Something else that worked out well involved a substantial financial investment:
de-emphasizing the metrics……use the calls to improve the quality of person-to-person connection with cardmembers…..’soft skill’
cultivate partnership
which means not merely resolving the existing issue, but looking for other problems to solve in such a way that the customer begins to expect and rely on that level of care. This is partnership; this is where we want the relationship to go. And it begins with being empathetic, emphasizing shared values, and being fully accountable for the situation at hand.
“is use empathy to engage our employees in becoming part of the solution. That’s the first step.
They can actively listen, they can understand and empathize with the tone of the cardmember or the merchant or whoever we’re talking with and attempting to serve; and through that assessment, they can determine then how the dialogue should go, listening for what’s most important to the customer, and then engaging the customer through that.
Tom had anticipated a potential problem and followed through.
a working culture that doesn’t focus narrowly on “transactions.”
How can your organization use follow-through to create a memorable after-experience?
the follow through must benefit the customer, instead of poking around and annoying.
Members’ willingness to recommend American Express to family and friends appears to be driven by three powerful factors:
A premier service experience
The belief that American Express is willing and able to resolve problems when they arise
The perception that the benefits offered by the company are superior to those offered by competitors
Congruence means you’re doing something, not because someone else told you to, but because doing it is what you genuinely believe to be right, and you are therefore willing to be accountable for your actions in all situations.
Congruence is also a way of doing business. It’s what truly great service organizations consistently deliver, whether or not there’s a consumer problem to be resolved at any given moment.