The Age Of Mass Politics Flashcards
1871-1914 political parties dominate politics; ordinary people begin liking government; universal male suffrage in Western Europe; responsible representation by elected officials; welfare states; increased literacy rates
Age of mass politics
Federal union of Prussia and 24 smaller states
German empire
- had ultimate power of Prussia
- delegated it to Bismarck
Wilhem I
Served as chancellor and mastermind behind government in Prussia
- Two house legislature in Germany
- bicameral legislature including Bundestag and bundesrat
Lower house
Represented the volk
Conservative upper class elected by upper states
Represented conservatives
Struggle for civilization; Bismarck tried to limit the catholic center party; marriage had to be civil ceremonies; expelled Jesuits; too popular to be driven underground; failed to be suppressed
Pope pius encourages people to get involved with politics; Bismarck tries to suppress center party but it didn’t work.
Catholic center party
Marxists want to reform Germany; Bismarck makes many reforms to suppress center party but it didn’t work
Social Democratic Party (SPD)
Forces Bismarck to resign
Wilhem II
Constitution provided for a republic; chamber of deputies; weak president; senate indirectly elected; government fell dozens of times.
Third French Republic
Lay seize to Paris; refuses to recognize the authority of National Assembly; 1871 fought bloody struggle with troops of NA; theirs defeats commune and led France to recovery
Paris commune
Made National Assembly and was chief executive; defeated commune and led France to recovery
New legislature; most powerful branch in French government; elected through universal male suffrage
Chamber of deputies
At one point French leader; tax supported secular schooling; co sponsors Berlin conference
Plotted to overthrow republic; fled to Belgium and committed suicide before trial; resulted in increased public confidence for the republic
Boulanger crisis
Wrote famous newspaper article defending Dreyfus called “j’accuse”
Gaines seats in chamber of deputies from 1905-1914;leader if socialist party
Last of Whig prime ministers; dominates British politics 1850-1865
Old Tori party led by Disraeli
Conservative party
Conservative; imperialist; had aggressive foreign policy, expansion of empire, supported democratic reform reluctantly; wrote Sybil expressing pity for working class; part of Conservative party
Old Whig party led by Gladstone
Liberal party
Most important of liberal figures; supported Irish home rule; fiscal policy, free trade & opposed liberalism; abolished compulsory tax to the Church of England
“Leap into the dark”; Disraeli;all men over 21 get the right to vote; redistributes seats to make them even
Reform bill of 1867
Granted suffrage to adult males in the countries in the same basis of the boroughs
Reform act or 1884
Socialist party; revisionists Marxists want changes through voting
Fabian society
Led independent labor party
Led by hardie
Independent labor party
Most significant political reform during liberal party rule; eliminates power of House of Lords;House of Commons now center of national power
Parliament act of 1911
Leader Of national union of women’s suffrage society; demanded parliament grant female suffrage; helped grow suffrage movement and plates a role in national and international suffrage conferences; knighted 1924
Infuriates that parliament wouldn’t give women voting rights even when Finland and Norway had; FINISH
1918; result of women’s contribution in a war; parliament gave women over 30 right to vote
Representation of the people act