The Accession of Claudius Flashcards
According to Josephus, how did the Senate react to Caligula’s death? (Quote)
- they “longed for a return to their former status, being desperate to shake off the disgrace of slavery imposed on them by the arrogance of tyrants”
According to Josephus, how did the people react to Caligula’s death? (Quote)
- “had no love for the senate, and realised that the emperors acted as a curb for its rapacity and were a source of protection for themselves”
According to Josephus, how did the army react to Caligula’s death? (2 Quotes)
- “realised that a republican government was incapable of controlling such a vast empire and would certainly not govern in the interests of the army”
- “But if one man seized power, it would be a significant disadvantage to themselves in every way if they had not helped him to achieve it”
According to Josephus, what was the senate’s plan to restore order in Rome after the assassination of Caligula? (4 steps)
- Publicly denounced Caligula and praised conspirators
- Disband the popular assemblies who had met to investigate Caligula’s death
- Seize the state treasury and deploy guards to stop rioting and looting
- Send the soldiers to their barracks and promise “rewards” if they “refrained from riotous destruction”
According to Josephus, who believed themselves to be in charge after Caligula’s assassination? Quote?
- The Senate
- “their confidence was fully restored and they were full of a sense of their own importance, since they thought that they would now be in control of government business”
After Caligula’s assassination, the army did not heed the Senate’s orders and immediately decided to act by appointing their own emperor. What reason does Josephus give for this? (Quote)
- “if they made him emperor, he would likely feel a debt towards them and repay them with gifts”
After Caligula’s assassination, who did the soldiers “come for” in order to appoint as emperor? What did he famously do? What happened when they found him?
- Claudius
- Hid behind a curtain
- They knelt before him and swore fealty, then kidnapped him, taking him to the Praetorian camp where he promised each soldier 15,000 sesterces as a gift
According to Suetonius, what was Claudius the first of the Caesars to do? (Quote) What is he referring to?
- “the first of the Caesars who resorted to bribery to secure the loyalty of the troops”
- The 15,000 sesterces promised to each soldiers
When was Josephus born? Of what significance is this?
- 37 AD
- The year Caligula became emperor. Josephus was too young to be an eye witness in terms of Caligula and Claudius
According to Josephus, what did the Senate do when it heard that the Praetorians had proclaimed Claudius as emperor? (+Quote)
- Immediately sent a delegation to Claudius “to point out to him forcibly that it was his duty to make no attempt to seize the throne by force”
According to Josephus, what did Claudius realise when the delegates sent to him by the senate began to plead with him? (Quote)
- “the senate’s delegation was an audacious bluff”
What does Josephus tell us happened when the Senate tried to regain control over the mob before Claudius’ accession? (Quote + Point)
- they “could not control the crowd, nor could they reach a decision on the choice of emperor”
- On one hand the troops refused to listen to them, yet on the other hand Caligula’s assassins refused to allow them to give way to the soldiers’ demands
How does Josephus describe Claudius? (Quote)
- “There was none who was his superior either in the distinction of his ancestry or in his commitment to his own learned studies”
According to Josephus, why did Augustus want Claudius kept out of the public eye? (Quote) Why would he?
- to avoid bringing “familial shame”
- Claudius had a stutter, limp and a slight hunch in his back
According to Josephus, what happened when Chaerea (who had allied with the Senate) demanded the soldiers bring him the head of Claudius? (Quote)
- “the soldiers refused to take any notice of his words. They drew their swords, raised their standards and marched off to join those who had sworn allegiance to Claudius”
Give a quote from Josephus that shows how the senate were left once the soldiers had gone to join Claudius
- “So they were left there, the Senate without military support, and the consuls reduced to the level of any ordinary citizen”
When was Claudius formally declared emperor by the Senate?
- 30 days after the death of Caligula
Give three reasons why Claudius has been remembered as a ‘good’ emperor
- He conquered Britain
- He commissioned enormous public works in Rome such as numerous aqueducts and the harbour at Ostia that employed tens of thousands and improved public health
- He reformed the Principate in many positive ways to make the empire more efficient and fair
According to Suetonius - what steps did Claudius take following his accession? (4) Give the reason why for each
- Ordered a general amnesty, apart from executing a few of the tribunes and centurions who had plotted against Caligula - this would’ve kept the people happy, while showing a firm hand and eliminating threats
- He used “by Augustus” as “the most sacred and frequent of his oaths” - he did it to flex/show devotion
- He made the Senate decree his grandmother Livia divine honours and an elephant drawn carriage for her image, to match Augustus’ - highlights his ancestry and makes him look good
- Annulled all of Caligula’s edicts, but would not allow for the day of his assassination to be proclaimed a public festival - makes him look forgiving and fair and prevents anyone thinking he was involved in Caligula’s death
According to Cassius Dio, what steps did Claudius take as emperor following his accession? (5) Give the reason why for each
- “Exercised great caution in everything” - didn’t want to make the same mistakes as those before him
- Anyone coming anywhere near him was searched and he always had soldiers present at parties - to stop assassination attempts
- Put Chaerea and some of his associates to death - makes an example and eliminates the threat
- Bestowed honours and offices on those who had “openly canvassed” for democracy or had been thought a worthy candidate for emperor - stops people trying to usurp him and quashes fear of repercussions
- Abolished the charge of maiestas - reduced people’s fear and showed him self to be fair and different to Caligula