Gaius Caligula 37-41 AD Flashcards
What did Tiberius say about Caligula?
- “He has all of Sulla’s vices with none of his virtues”
Who were Tiberius’ three choices for an heir?
- Claudius, Tiberius’ nephew. Eldest male in the family but considered a black sheep due to his physical problems and personality
- Tiberius Gemellus - Tiberius’ grandson (Drusus and Livilla’s son) who was still a child
- Gaius (Caligula) - son of Germanicus and Agrippina the elder. Despite Tiberius’ hostility to Agrippina he was still widely popular with the people due to his father’s reputation
How did Gaius earn the name Caligula?
- Caligula means ‘little boots’ - he used to accompany Germanicus on campaign and was often seen by soldiers in tiny military attire
What happened to Caligula’s brothers? Why was he the exception?
- They were exiled and killed under charges of treason
- Caligula was only spared due to his youth
Where did Caligula live in the latter years of Tiberius’ life?
- With Tiberius in Capri, essentially under house arrest with his three sisters
Who did Tiberius appoint as his heir?
- Both Caligula and Tiberius Gemellus
What does Suetonius tell us of the joy felt upon Caligula’s appointment following Tiberius’ death? (2)
- During Tiberius’ funeral procession he was “met by a dense and joyful throng” who called him things like their “star”, “chick”, “babe” and “nursling”
- People liked him because of the memory of his father and pity for a family that was “all but extinct”
What happened to Tiberius’ will according to Suetonius? (2)
- It was snubbed by Caligula and Macro
- “no attention was paid to the wish of Tiberius, who had named his other grandson joint heir with Caligula”
What steps did Caligula take to secure his popularity with the Roman people? (5)
- Held a series of games
- Recalled all exiles and dismissed all pending criminal charges made under Tiberius
- Made a public statement reunifying the imperial household, adopting Tiberius Gemellus as his heir and honouring his grandmother Antonia with the title Augusta
- Sailed to Pandataria and brought his brother and mother’s remains to the Mausoleum of Augustus
- Played heavily on Germanicus’ reputation, as seen on coins depicting Germanicus on one side and Caligula on the other
Give a key quote from Suetonius that concerns Caligula’s ‘change’
- “so much for Gaius the emperor, the rest of this history must deal with Gaius the monster”
What happened in late October 37 AD?
- Caligula fell seriously ill. When he recovered he was never quite the same
What were Caligula’s characteristics according to Suetonius? Back each up with an example or a quote (6)
- Sadistic - put people to death by slight wounding “let them know that they are dying”
- Unpredictable - he attacked a priest instead of the animal during a sacrifice
- Cruel - made families watch their relatives’ executions
- Narcissistic - forced senators to grovel or face execution if they criticised his plays or refused to worship his genius
- Threatened by the senators - ones who opposed him were killed whilst plebeians were usually spared - “if only all of Rome had but a single neck”
- Rules through fear - “let them hate me so long as they fear me”
What were Caligula’s characteristics according to Cassius Dio? (4) - back each up with an example or quote
- “monarchial”
- “Most lustful of men” - seized a woman at her wedding and “snatched” others who were already married
- Short tempered, fickle and unstable - hated people for negative comments about Tiberius, but also hated those who praised him. He initially refused statues and sacrifices dedicated to him, but then wanted them
- Dishonest/sly - pretended to burn incriminating letters, but they turned out to only be copies
Give two quotes from Josephus that describe Caligula’s character
- “Gaius’ madness was now an offence to god and man”
- “A flawed character, who had turned viciousness into a fine art”
How does Seneca describe Caligula?
- “Nature spawned him to be the ruin and disgrace of all humanity”
Who were the six people who led the conspiracy against Caligula? What were their positions?
- Aemilius Regulus - Proconsul of Spain
- Cassius Chaerea - Head of the Praetorian Guard
- Annius Vinicianus - a Senator
- Callistus - Imperial Freedman
- Cornelius Sabinus - Praetorian Tribune
- Marcus Clemens - Praetorian Prefect
Who was at the head of the conspiracy against Caligula? How did he get his position?
- Cassius Chaerea
- He had been elevated to the commander of the Praetorian Guard after Macro had fallen out of Caligula’s favour and committed suicide
What was the plot of the conspiracy against Caligula? Where and when was is to happen? What was the plan?
- The plot was to take place during a festival held on the Palatine Hill
- Chaerea and the praetorians would lead Caligula away from the crowds and down into the cryptoporticus, a labyrinth of tunnels running under the imperial palace
- The others would be waiting…
What does Suetonius say about the motives of the conspirators in wanting to kill Caligula?
- The two tribunes had previously been accused of being implicated in a previous plot and, though they were innocent, realised that Gaius hated and feared them (basically a kill or be killed situation)
What does Cassius Dio say about the motives of the conspirators in wishing to kill Caligula? (+quote) What does he say of those who did not wish to join? What reason does he give for Chaerea wanting to kill Caligula?
- Caligula’s whole entourage persuaded to take part “both to further their own interests and to benefit the state”
- Those who didn’t want to join “concealed their knowledge of it”
- Chaerea was angry with Caligula because Caligula kept calling him effeminate
What does Josephus say about the motives of the conspirators in wishing to kill Caligula? (quote) What about Vinicianus? Why does he was Chaerea’s motive? (quote)
- “The reasons for their hatred varied”
- Annius Vinicianus wanted revenge for Lepidus
- Chaerea “felt deeply offended at the insults regularly cast upon his manhood by the emperor”
What does Suetonius tell us about how different groups in Rome reacted to the news of Caligula’s assassination? (2)
- The people were reluctant to believe that he had been assassinated, instead believing that he had invented the story to see what they thought of him
- Some wanted to restore the Republic and some wanted all statues and temples of the Caesars to be destroyed
What does Cassius Dio tell us about how different groups in Rome reacted to the news of Caligula’s assassination? (2)
- The people now spat on him, ripped down honours to him and the German bodyguard rioted and caused some deaths
- The Praetorians tried to find the murderers until a consular shouted “I wish I had killed him” which stopped them
What does Josephus tell us about how different groups reacted to the news of Caligula’s assassination? (2)
- The Consuls denounced him, but the people rioted about the murder until a consular shouted that he wished that he had done it
- They couldn’t decide between a republican government or a single ruler