This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Anderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

The Beginning and Actium
What was the year in which julius...,
When did mark antony overcome the...,
What was octavians excuse for war...
73  cards
Augustan Building Programme
Who built the pantheon,
What date was the pantheon built,
What was the pantheons purpose
39  cards
The Question of Succession: Augustus' Need for an Heir
Augustus appears to have been pre...,
Explain political prestige as a r...,
What was the remedy for augustus ...
17  cards
Military Policy of Augustus
What was the frontier policy in t...,
What was the organisation of the ...,
What was the pax romana how did i...
32  cards
The Death of Augustus and the Succession of Tiberius
When did augustus die how old was he,
In what year did augustus adopt t...,
What power was tiberius given whe...
22  cards
Revolts in the Army
According to tacitus what were th...,
According to velleius paterculus ...,
Who did tiberius send to deal wit...
37  cards
After germanicus died who did tib...,
What office did drusus hold in 21 ad,
In what year was drusus granted t...
32  cards
Treason (Maiestas) Trials: The "Reign of Terror"
What was ciceros definition of tr...,
What was tacitus definition of tr...,
What was augustus definition of t...
18  cards
Gaius Caligula 37-41 AD
What did tiberius say about caligula,
Who were tiberius three choices f...,
How did gaius earn the name caligula
24  cards
The Accession of Claudius
According to josephus how did the...,
According to josephus how did the...,
According to josephus how did the...
20  cards
Claudius' Invasion of Britain: AD 43
What happened in 42 ad,
Even though the revolt of 42 ad c...,
What is the possible reason for c...
18  cards
Claudius' Wives and Freedmen: Trouble in the Imperial Court
Despite claudius seemingly stable...,
Who were claudius two wives while...,
Who were claudius 3 main freedmen...
25  cards

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ancient history: rome

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