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John's German
> The 4 Meanings of Ihr > Flashcards
The 4 Meanings of Ihr Flashcards
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Study These Flashcards
John's German
(33 decks)
Partial Cognates - consonant relationships
Partial Cognates - vowel relationship
Cognates Differing in Meaning
Practice with Cognates
Nouns of Foreign Origin - ending determines gender of nouns
Compound Nouns - connectives
Separable Prefixes (particle + verb)
Variable Prefixes - separable prefixes (change meaning)
Synonymous Prefixes: ideas of away, off, gone, lost, breaking up
Synonymous Prefixes: ideas of starting an action or doing it partially
Synonymous Prefixes: ideas of finishing an action or doing it thoroughly
Synonymous Prefixes: ideas of duration
Synonymous Prefixes: ideas of approaching or being near by
Antonymical prefixes
"Hin" and "Her" (specific motion in relation to the speaker) in compound separable prefixes
Practice with opposites
Anja 1/1/1 - Verbs with prepositional complement: accusative (auf, über, an, für, um)
Anja 1/1/1 - Verbs with prepositional complement: dative (aus, bei, mit, seit, nach, von, zu, außer, gegenüber, zum, zur)
Anja 1/1/2 - Questions for verbs with prepositions
Anja 1/1/3 - Sich freuen auf vs. über
Anja 1/1/3 - Verbs with two prepositional objects
Anja 1/2/2 - Infinitive clauses with "zu": important verbs that introduce infinitive clauses
Anja 1/2/3 - Umgangsprache
Anja 1/3/1 - obwohl vs. trotzdem
Anja 1/3/2 - Simple Past
Anja - 1/3/3 - the verb "einfallen" = to remember
Anja - 1/3/3 bis - "gerade" as an adverb of time
Anja 1/3/3 bis2 - nouns with "-heit", "-keit", "-schaft", "-ung" which are always feminine
Schwimpfwörter (rude words)
Anja 1/4/1 - Definite article and nouns in the genitive
How to get angry in German
The 4 Meanings of Ihr
The 4 meanings of Ihr