"Hin" and "Her" (specific motion in relation to the speaker) in compound separable prefixes Flashcards
ausgehen = to go out [on a date], to take a walk, to end, to run short hinausgehen = to go outside herausgehen = to go outside
umgehen = to go around, to bypass, to circulate herumgehen = to go around
umgehen mit
= to keep company with, to deal with
herauf vs. hinauf - both = on or up
Sie kam die Treppe herauf [she came up the stairs]
Er ging die Treppe hinauf [he went up the stairs]
heraus vs. hinaus - both = out
Er holt die Schlüssel aus der Tasche heraus [he takes the keys out of his pocket]
Sie tragen die Sachen aus dem Zimmer hinaus [they carry the things out of the room]
herein vs. hinein - both = into
Bitte kommen Sie herein! [please come in]
Die Kinder laufen ins Zimmer hinein [the children are running into the room]
herab, hinab = downward
heran, hinan = up to, near
up to, near
herbei = near, this way
near, this way
herüber, hinüber = over here/there, across
over here/there, across
herum = around, about
around, about
herunter, hinunter = under, down
under, down
hervor = forth, out of
forth, out of
hinzu = up to, in addition
up to, in addition