TGA Flashcards
Types of TGA
- PA from morphologic LV, Ao from RV
o Complete: normal AV concordance
Situs solitus, D looping, anterior/R Ao
o Congenitally corrected transposition: AV discordance
Double discordance = corrects the transposition
o Lethal if not corrected
2 independent circulations in //
o Needs shunting at some level to survive: ASD, VSD, PDA
Mx management
o Maintain DA patency → PGE2
Improve arterial saturation + ↑ mixing at atrial level
Palliative sx correction
Balloon atrial septostomy or sx creation of ASD
* Neonates, via umbilical/femoral vein
Partial venous return repair: Baffes = connect CVC → LA w conduit
Pulmonary artery banding
Systemic-pulmonary anastomosis
Rastelli operation: TGA w large VSD and severe LVOTO
* Intraventricular repair + extracardiac shunt → complete bypass of LVOT
Definitive sx correction
Atrial switch operation: physiologic correction
* Redirection of blood at atrial level: Dacron, pericardium or atrial flaps
* Systemic venous return → MV → subpulmonary LV
* Pulmonary venous return → TV → subsystemic RV
o Morphologic RV supports systemic circulation
Arterial switch operation:
* Arterial trunks transected → anastomosed to contralateral root
* Transposition of CAs on neoAo
* VSD closed if present
* Advantage: restoration of LV as systemic pump