PV atresia Flashcards
PA atresia def
Imperforated pulmonary valve obstructing the flow to pulmonary circulation
Types of PA atresia
Intact IVS
Concurrent VSD
PA w/ intact IVS: features
o Usually normal atrial, AV and arterial connections
o 3 fused, well formed leaflets
o Valvular atresia in 75% of cases, muscular in 25%
PA w/ intact IVS: pathophys
Restrictive ASD is the only exit from RA
PDA must be present to provide pulmonary blood flow
PA w/ intact IVS: mx intervention
Maintain DA patency: prostaglandins
PA w/ intact IVS: sx intervention
Early correction
* Balloon valvuloplasty
* Ductal stent placement in PDA
* Balloon atrial septostomy to open FO
* Systemic to pulmonary artery shunt (Blalock)
Later procedures
* Biventricular repair ideally
* Bidirectionnal Glenn procedure (CrVC → PA)
* Fontan procedure
PA atresia w/ VSD
o Most severe form of Tetralogy of Fallot
PA atresia w/ VSD: mx management
PA atresia w/ VSD: sx management
Palliative: if PA anatomy precludes repair
* Systemic to PA shunt → ↑ pulmonary flow
Complete repair: PA size at least >50% its normal size
* RVOT reconstruction → connect RV to PA using conduit
* Closure of septal defects
- Abnormal connection btwn heart and PA
o After cardiac septation → intact IVS
o Blood supply to lungs = variable blood flow via
Bronchial arteries
Systemic → pulmonary collaterals - Pseudotruncus arteriosus
- Extreme form of TOF
o Severe deviation of muscular septum toward RVFW
o Ao receives all of primitive OT
o Atretic PA
Gross exam PA atresia intact IVS
most severe form of PS
o Imperforated PV → complete obstruction of forward flow
o +/- RVOTO: membranous/muscular atresia
o Obligatory R → L shunt via PFO or ASD
o Varying degree of TV/RV hypoplasia
Gross exam PA atresia w/ VSD
- VSD: common
o Most severe form of TOF
o Severe deviation of muscular septum toward RVFW
o Ao receives all of primitive OT
o Well developed collaterals supply parenchyma
Pathophys PA atresia
- Lesion is ductal dependent → pulmonary circulation depend on PDA or bronchial circulation
o ASD maintain flow to L - Systemic venous blood → RA → ASD → LA → LV → Ao → PDA → PA
C/s PA atresia
cyanosis develop early in life
CTX PA atresia
- Enlarged ascending Ao: bulge of cranial border on lateral view
- ↓ pulmonary vascular markings
Echo Pa atresia
difficult to impossible to visualize the atretic PA
* Can highlight presence of PDA
Unilateral atresia/hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery
- Unilateral absence of a PA
o One branch of PA is absent: involution of proximal 6th Ao arch on either side during embryogenesis
o Most commonly RPA in Hu
o Distal PAs on the side of lesions supplied by DA
o Development of systemic to pulmonary collateral vessels is common - Reported in 3 cats: 6mo, 2y, 4y
o Hu: most are asymptomatic until adulthood
Unilateral atresia/hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery c/s and PE
- C/s: exercise intolerance, tachypnea
- PE: nonspecific systolic murmurs
Unilateral atresia/hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery CTX
- ↓ lung volume on affected side
- Hyperperfusion of contralateral lung
o Interstitial opacity - Mediastinal shift
- Asymmetry in PA branch size
Unilateral atresia/hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery echo
- Signs of PH: RVE/RAE, ↑TR
- Suggest absence of one PA branch