Tetanus Flashcards
Very low concentrationsof this highly potent toxin can result in tetanus (minimal lethal humandose)
2.5 ng/kg
is an anaerobic, gram-positive, spore-forming rod whose spores are highly resilient and can survive readily in the environment throughout the world
C. tetani
Percentage of cases of tetanus in which no puncture entry wound is found.
are the most common infection sitesin adults
Superficial abrasions to the limbs
True or false:
Persons >60 years of age are at greater risk of tetanus because antibodylevels decrease over time
Only those bacteria producing tetanus toxins can cause tetanus.
The most common initial symptoms are (4)
trismus (lockjaw)
musclepain and stiffness
back pain
difficulty swallowing
Without ventilatory support, is the most common cause of death in tetanus.
respiratory failure
True or false:
Spasms strong enough toproduce tendon avulsions and crush fractures and this outcome is common
have been reported, but IS RARE!
anti-tetanus immunoglobulin G also may be measured in a sample taken before the administration of antitoxin or immunoglobulin; levels>___iU/mL (measured by standard ELISA) are deemed protective and do not support the diagnosis of tetanus
0.1 IU/ml
is preferred for antibiotic therapy for tetanus
Metronidazole (400 mg rectally or500 mg IV every 6 h for 7 days)
What alternative drug is used in tetanus infection that however theoretically may exacerbate spasms and in one studywas associated with increased mortality
is penicillin (100,000–200,000 IU/kg per day)
What Antitoxin is the preparation of choice, as it is-less likely to be associated with anaphylactoid reactions.
human tetanus immune globulin or TIG single IM dose (3000–5000 IU) is given, with a portion injected around the wound.
What second option antitoxin is available widely and is used inlow-income countries; after hypersensitivity testing, 10,000–20,000 U is administered IM as a single dose or as divided doses.
Equine-derived antitoxin
What TIG doses of administered intrathecally.
50–1500 IU
is the usual method of securing the airway in severe tetanus
Recovery from tetanus may take
4–6 weeks
The WHO guidelines for tetanus vaccination consist of a primary course of
three doses in infancy, boosters at 4–7 and 12–15 years of age, and one booster in adulthood.