IHD Flashcards
is a condition in which there is an inadequate supply of blood and oxygen to a portion of the myocardium;it typically occurs when there is an imbalance between myocardial Oxygen supply and demand
Ischemic heart disease (IHD)
The most common cause of myocardial ischemia that is sufficient to cause a regional reduction in myocardial blood flow and inadequate perfusion of the myocardium supplied by the involved coronary artery.
atherosclerotic disease of an epicardial coronary artery(or arteries)
Genetic factors, a_____ diet,smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle are associated with the emergence ofIHD
high-fat and energy-rich
are increasing and are powerful risk factors for IHD.
Obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes mellitus
The major determinants of myocardial oxygen demand(MVO2) are
heart rate, myocardial contractility, and myocardial wall tension (stress)
About 75% of the total coronary resistance to flow occurs across three sets of arteries:
(1) large epicardial arteries (Resistance 1 = R1),
(2) prearteriolar vessels(R2)
(3) arteriolar and intramyocardial capillary vessels (R3).
Major determinant of coronary resistance
prearteriolar vessels(R2) arteriolar and intramyocardial capillary vessels (R3
Major site of atherosclerotic disease
Epicardium coronary arteries
Most critical regions causing greatest myocardial damage
Left main coronary artery
Proximal left anterior descending coronary artery
What is the degree of luminal narrowing where BLOOD FLOW is reduced at rest or minimal stress
80% reduction
What is the degree of luminal narrowing where there is failure to increase flow to meet increased myocardial demand (exercise and stress)
50% reduction
Atherosclerotic narrowing of epicardial coronary arteries is most commonly caused by
Metabolic consequences of ischemia:
- Inability to oxidize fatty acids
- Glucose is degraded to Lactate
Factors associated with px who should receive IMMEDIATE INVASIVE (within 2hours) strategy therapy:
- Refractory angina
- Sign and symptoms of heart failure
- New or worsening symptoms of mitral regurgitation
- Hemodynamics instability
- Recurrent angina or ischemia AT REST or at low level activity despite intense medical therapy
- Sustained VTAC or Vfib
Factors associated with px who should receive EARLY INVASIVE (within 24hours) strategy therapy:
Grace score of >140
Temporal change in TROPONIN
New or presumably new ST segment DEPRESSION
Factors associated with px who should receive DELAYED INVASIVE (within 25-72hours) strategy therapy:
DM Renal insufficiency EGFR<60ml/min Ef<40 reduced LV systolic fx Early post infarction angina PCI within 6 months Grace score of 109-140 TIMI score of >/=2
Family history of CAD HTN DM Hypercholesterolemia Tobacco use
Age>65 >3 CAD RISK FACTORS Known CAD (stenosis >50%) ASA use in the past 7 days Severe angina (>2epi in 24hours) ST ELEVATION >/= 0.5mm Elevated cardiac marker level