Tests used to assess hearing/how to read an audiogram Flashcards
What tests are used to assess hearing in children and adults?
auditory brain response, otoacoustic emissions, pure tone testing, speech testing, and tests of the middle ear
What is pure tone testing?
test that assesses a person’s hearing by putting headphones on someone and telling them to raise their hand when they hear a beep.
What is auditory brain response (ABR)?
test that assesses how the inner ear and brain pathways of hearing work by putting electrodes on one’s heads and analyzing brain waves on a computer. This is used when someone cannot complete a typical hearing screening.
What is otoacoustic emissions?
test that assess if your inner ear is working by measuring the sounds produced by the vibrations of the outer hair cells. It also can indicate whether your outer or middle ear is blocked. A small earphone is placed into your ear and plays a sound; the sound that emits from the middle ear is what is recorded.
What is speech testing?
a test that assess how well you listen and repeat words; the Speech Recognition Test is an example of that
What tests are used to determine how well the middle ear works?
tympanometry, static acoustic measures, and acoustic reflex measures
What is tympanometry?
a test that measures how well your eardrum works
What is acoustic reflex measures?
a test that measures your muscle reflex in your middle ear when you hear a loud noise
What is static acoustic measures?
measures how much air is in the ear canal
On an audiogram, the blue line or line with Xs represents the _______, whereas the red line or the line with circles represents the ________.
Left ear; right ear
What is the frequency range for human speech?
250 - 5000 Hz
Can you use tympanometry on clients of all ages?
When should you not use tympanometry?
if a client has otitis externa, if there’s blood dripping out of the ear, if the client recently had ear surgery, if they experience pain when you insert the probe into their ear.
What does a Type A result on a tympanogram indicate?
That the middle ear is working normally
What does a Type As result on a tympanogram indicate?
decreased middle ear mobility