Tests Flashcards
1rm bench procedure
Specific warm up of 5-10 reps with light to mod load
2 heavier warm up sts of 2-5 reps
1rm bench pull procedure
one spotter, one recorder
- grab bar with pronated grip, wider than shoulder
- start lift from hang
- bar is pulled up toward to chet
- head has to remain in contact w bench
- valid rep is one in which bar touches bent
- feet off ground
1rm back squat number of spotters
two spotters
standing long jump protocol
2-3ft tape, toes just behind
- countermovement and then jump as far as possible
- place marker on most rear part of heal
- best of 3 trials is recored to nearest .5inch/1cm
vert jump protocol
stand w dominant shoulder 6 inch from wall + reach as high as possible and mark
- lower arm and jump to make 2nd mark
- best of 3 trials
how to perform margarita kalamen test and how to score it
athlete spins towards stairs from 20ft from base and then up stairs 3 steps at a time
-measured in power (wxh)/t
w- in newtons (kgx9.8)
h- Meters (inch.0254)- from 3rd to 9th step
tme= sec
300 yard shuttle test protocol
one timer, 2 line judges
- pair athletes of similar bailout
- sprints to line 25 yards away and immediately sprints to first line. 6 total round trips
total score= avg of 2 tests
partial curl up protocol
athlete in supine, knees at 90deg angle, arms at side, fingers touching 4in long masking tape
- set metronome to 40b/min and curl up to beat
- perfrom max possible (up to max of 75)
ymca bench press protocol
one spotter/recorder
- set resistance at 80lbs for males, 35lbs for females
- 60 beats/min metranone, 30 reps/min
yo yo intermittent recovery test procedure
20 m distance with a 5m buffer behind the start line
-must place one foot on/over the turning line
termination= when unable to maintain pace for 2 trials
maximal aerobic speed test protocol
cones placed at 25m intervals around the running track
- speed set bw 8-12 km;hr and increased by 1km every 2 mins until they can’t maintain
- test terminated if athlete fails to reach the next cone on 2 consecutive occasions
VOS max calculated by 3.5 x MAS (last speed)
T test protocol
Start at A touch base of B right w right hand shuttle to c, touch base w left hand shuffle to D, tough base with right hand shuffle to B, touch base with left hand back peddle to start
-Best of 2 trials
Hexagon test protocol
Athlete stands in centre and then makes 3 revolutions of hexagon and come back to centre each time
best time of 3 trials
Pro agility test protocol
- 3 parallel line 5 yards apart
- one timer/recorder, one line judge
Athlete states centre line with 3 point stance
- sprnt to the left, then sprint to fare right then back to middle
- hand or foot contact needed
-best of 2 trials
505 agility test
one timer recorder/ one line judge
-on auditory signal athlete sprint forward to 10m line, then turn and sprint 5 m to finish