TestReview Flashcards
How should the pilot make a VOR receiver check when the aircraft is located on the designated checkpoint on the airport surface?
Set the OBS on the designated radial. The CDI Must center within plus or minus 4 degrees of that radial with a FROM indication.
If all index units are positive when computing weight and balance, the location of the datum would be at the
nose or out in front of the airplane
Which maximum range factor decreases as weight decreases?
Airspeed (because L/D Max decreases)
The primary purpose of the direct-to button is to
show the quickest way to fly to any given point
If the airspeed is decreased from 98 knots to 85 knots during a coordinated level 45° banked turn, the load factor will
remain the same, but the radius of turn will decrease (Load factor is only dependent on bank angle)
To act as pilot in command of a tailwheel airplane, without prior experience, a pilot must
receive and log flight training from an authorized instructor. (competency check not required)
Portable electronic devices which may cause interference with the navigation or communication system may not be operated on U.S.-registered civil aircraft being operated
under IFR
When operating a U.S.-registered civil aircraft, which document is required by regulation to be available in the aircraft?
A current approved Flight Manual
When operating VFR at night, what is the first indication of flying into restricted visibility conditions?
A gradual disappearance of lights on the ground.
What wind conditions would you anticipate when squalls are reported at your destination?
Sudden increases in windspeed of at least 16 knots to a sustained speed of 22 knots or more for at least 1 minute.
14 CFR Part 1 defines VNO as
maximum structural cruising speed.
During the transition from straight-and-level flight to a climb, the angle of attack is increased and lift
momentarily increased
Unless otherwise authorized, what is the maximum indicated airspeed at which an aircraft may be flown in a SATELLITE airport TRAFFIC PATTERN located WITHIN Class B airspace?
250 KTS
If not equipped with required position lights, an aircraft must terminate flight
at sunset
No person may operate an aircraft that has an experimental airworthiness certificate
when carrying persons or property for hire
Penetrating fog while flying an approach at night, you might experience the illusion of
pitching up
How to calculate CG
CG = Moments/Weight
Density altitude is the vertical distance above mean sea level in the standard atmosphere at which
a given atmospheric density is to be found.
The ‘yellow demarcation bar’ marking indicates
runway with a displaced threshold that precedes the runway
Operating regulations for U.S.-registered civil airplanes require that during movement on the surface, takeoffs, and landings, a seat belt and shoulder harness (if installed) must be properly secured about each
person on board
To maintain a standard rate turn as the airspeed decreases, the bank angle of the airplane will need to
To establish a climb after takeoff in an aircraft equipped with a constant-speed propeller, the output of the engine is reduced to climb power by decreasing manifold pressure and
decreasing RPM by increasing propeller blade angle
At higher elevation airports the pilot should know that indicated airspeed
will be unchanged, but groundspeed will be faster.
To help manage flight deck stress, pilots must
condition themselves to relax and think rationally when stress appears.
The Surface Analysis Chart depicts
actual frontal positions, pressure patterns, temperature, dew point, wind, weather, obstructions to vision, at the VALID TIME of the chart
The most important key to risk management is
management of external pressures
A pilot convicted of operating an aircraft as a crewmember under the influence of alcohol, or using drugs that affect the person’s faculties, is grounds for a
DENIAL of an APPLICATION for an FAA certificate, rating, or authorization issued under 14 CFR Part 61.
When flying BENEATH the lateral limits of Class B airspace, the maximum indicated airspeed authorized is
200 kts
What is the approximate base of the cumulus clouds if the temperature at 2,000 feet MSL is 10°C and the dew point is 1°C?
Temp and DP converge at 2.5 per 1000 Add Base AGL to 2000 MSL
May a pilot in the U.S. Military use a current U.S. Armed Forces medical examination to exercise the privileges of an FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate?
No a military medical certificate may NOT BE USED to exercise the privileges of an FAA Commercial Certificate.
A propeller rotating clockwise as seen from the rear, creates a spiraling slipstream. The spiraling slipstream, along with torque effect, tends to rotate the airplane to the
LEFT around vertical axis, and RIGHT along longitudinal axis
In what ways do advection fog, radiation fog, and steam fog differ in their formation or location?
Radiation fog is Restricted to land areas;
Advection fog is most common along coastal areas; Steam fog forms over a water surface.
In what type of operation, not regulated by 14 CFR Part 119, may a commercial pilot act as pilot in command and receive compensation for services?
Non-stop flights within 25 SM radius of an airport to carry persons for intentional PARACHUTE jumps
What does the contraction VRB in the Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) mean?
Wind DIRECTION is Variable
Which statement best describes the operating principle of a constant-speed propeller?
Propeller control regulates the engine RPM and in turn the propeller RPM
Hatching on a Constant Pressure Analysis Chart indicates
windspeed 70 knots to 110 knots.
True course measurements on a Sectional Aeronautical Chart should be made at a meridian near the midpoint of the course because the
angles formed by lines of LONGITUDE and the course vary from point to point.
MERIDIAN= Lines of Longitude (converge at poles)
Longitudinal stability involves the motion of the airplane controlled by its
Longitudinal STABILITY = lateral axis stability
What period of time must a person be hospitalized before and injury may be defined by the NTSB as a “serious injury”
48 hrs
What values are used for winds aloft forcasts ?
True direction and knots
The horizontal dashed line from point C to point E represents the…
positive limit load factor
ADS-B Out is mandated for aircraft operations in
Class A, B, and C airspace (E above 10 Excluding 2500 AGL)
Hypoxia is the result of which of these conditions ?
Insufficient oxygen reaching the brain.
What is indicated by a bold green line on a High-Level Significant Weather chart ?
Jet Stream Axis
If you are operating under BasicMed, what is the maximum speed at which you can fly ?
250 KIAS
If clouds form as a result of very stable, moist air being forced to ascend a moutain slope, the clouds will be…
stratus type with little vertical development and little or no turbulence. (not cirrus type)
True airspeed is best described as calibrated airspeed corrected for
altitude and nonstandard temperature
Light beacons producing red flashes indicate…
Obstructions or areas considered hazardous to aerial navigation.