Testing And Individual Differences Flashcards
Mental quality
Ability to learn from experience
Solve problems
Adapt using knowledge
General intelligence (g)
A gen intelligence factor that according to Spearman and others, underlies specific mental abilities
Therefore, it’s measured by every task on an intelligence test
Factor analysis
Statistical procedure that identifies factors(clusters of related items) on a test.
ID different dimensions that underly test score
Savant syndrome
A condition in which a person otherwise is limited by a mental handicap but shows exceptional specific skills.
Sternberg’s 3 intelligences
Triarchic theory- ---------- Analytical (Academic problem solving) Single right answer ------- Creative Adapting to Novel situations and generating novel ideas ---------- Practical Everyday tasks Manage oneself, tasks, other people Reading ppl Promoting ones career Responsibilities
Intelligence test
Method for assessing mental aptitudes and comparing them with others
Spearman’s general intelligence theory
That our basic intelligence can predict our ability in other academic areas.
Thurstone’s primary mental ability theory
Our intelligence can be broken down into several factors Word fluency Verbal comprehension Spatial ability Perceptual speed Numerical ability Inductive reasoning Memory
Gardner’s multiple intelligences
8 independent intelligences
Broad range of skills
More than school smarts
Sternberg’s triarchic theory
Intelligence best classified into three areas Predict real world success A C P
Emotional intelligence
Ability to
- Perceive
- Understand
- Manage
- Use …emotions
self esteem
Mental Age
Age that corresponds to the level of performance.
American revision of binets intelligence test.
Achievement test
Asses what a person has learned
Aptitude test
Predict a persons future performance or capacity to learn
Comparing meaningful scores with the performances of other protested groups.
Normal curve
Symmetrical bell curve
Consistent results
The extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to.
Predictive validity
Success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to. (Correlation)
Content validity
Extent to which a test samples the behavior of interest
Intellectual disability
Condition of limited mental ability
Down syndrome
Extra copy chromosome 21. (Mental disability)
Stereotype threat
Concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype
Mental Age
Age that corresponds to the level of performance.
American revision of binets intelligence test.
Achievement test
Asses what a person has learned
Aptitude test
Predict a persons future performance or capacity to learn
Comparing meaningful scores with the performances of other protested groups.
Normal curve
Symmetrical bell curve
Consistent results
The extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to.
Predictive validity
Success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to. (Correlation)
Content validity
Extent to which a test samples the behavior of interest
Intellectual disability
Condition of limited mental ability
Down syndrome
Extra copy chromosome 21. (Mental disability)
Stereotype threat
Concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype