Test One: Chapters 41, 42, 43, 45, and 46 Flashcards
What is an absence of mensturation?
A. Menses
B. Amenorrhea
C. Olgiomenorrhea
D. Dysmenorrhea
What refers to position of the uterus when the uterine fundus bends forward toward the cervix?
A. Anteverted
B. Retroverted
C. Anteflexed
D. Retroflexed
What refers to position of uterus when the uterus is tipped slightly forward so that the cervix forms a 90 degree angle or less?
A. Anteflexed
B. Retroflexed
C. Anteverted
D. Retroverted
What is the steroidal hormone secreted by the theca interna and granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle that stimulates the development of the?
A. Gonadotropin
B. Estrogen
C. Progesterone
What is the hormonal substance that stimulates the function of the testes and the ovaries?
A. Estrogen
B. Gonadotropin
C. Menses
D. Progesterone
What is abnormally light menstural periods called?
A. Menses
B. Olgiomenorrhea
C. Amenorrhea
D. Menopause
What is the periodic flow of blood and cellular debris that occurs during menstruation?
A. Menses
B. Dysmenorrhea
C. Menopause
D. Menorrhagia
What is abnormally heavy or long periods?
A. Menses
B. Menorrhagia
C. Oligomenorrhea
D. Amenorrhea
What is pain associated with mesturation?
A. Menses
B. Menorrhagia
C. Dysmenorrhea
D. Menopause
What refers to position of uterus when the uterine fundus bends posteriorly upon the cervix?
A. Retroverted
B. Retroflexed
C. Anteverted
D. Anteflexed
What refers to position of uterus when the entire uterus is tipped posteriorly so that angle formed between the uterus and cervix us 90 degrees?
A. Retroflexed
B. Retroverted
C. Anteverted
D. Anteflexed
What refers to cessation of mensturation?
A. Menses
B. Menopause
C. Dysmenorrhea
D. Polymenorrhea
What is abnormally frequent recurrence of the menstural cycle; less than 21 days
A. Polymenorrhea
B. Progesterone
C. Amenorrhea
D. Menopause
The steroidal hormone produced by the corpus luteum that helps prepare and maintain the endometrium for the arrival?
A. Estrogen
B. Progesterone
C. Menopause
D. Menses
What are paired ligaments that originate at the uterine cornua, anterior to the fallopian tubes, and course anterolaterally within the broad ligament?
A. Suspensory ligament
B. Ovarian ligament
C. Round ligament
D. Broad ligament
What are paired ligaments that extend from the infundibulum of the fallopian tube and the lateral aspect of the ovary to the lateral pelvic?
A. Round ligament
B. Suspensory ligamet
C. Ovarian ligament
D. Broad ligament
What are the paired muscles that orignate at the transverse process of the lumbar vertebrae and extend inferiorly through the false pelvis?
A. Psoas muscles
B. Space of retzius
C. Vesicouterine recess
What is the paired ligament that extends from the inferior/medial pose of the ovary to the uterine cornua?
A. Ovarian ligament
B. Broad ligament
C. Round ligament
D. Pelvic ligament
What is located between the anterior bladder wall and the pubic symphysis; contains extraperitoneal fat?
A. Vesicouterine recess
B. Space of retzius
C. True pelvis
D. False pelvis
What is the area in the pelvic cavity between the urinary bladder and the uterus?
A. True pelvis
B. False pelvis
C. Vesicouterine recess
D. space of retzius
What is the pelvic cavity below the brim of the pelviss?
A. False pelvis
B. True pelvis
What is the portion of pelvis found above the brim, that portion the abdominal cavity cradled by the iliac fossae?
A. False pelvis
B. True pelvis
The suspensory ligament is also known as the infundibulopelvic ligament?
T or F
The minor or lesser pelvis is also known as the false pelvis?
T or F
F, it is the true pelvis
The vesicouterine recess is also known as the anterior cul-de-sac?
T or F
The greater or major pelvis is known as the false pelvis?
T or F
The rectouterine recess is also known as the pouch of douglas or posterior cul-de-sac?
T or F
The perimetrium is also know as the Serosa?
T or F
The ovarian ligament is also known as the utero-fallopian ligament?
T or F
F, it is the utero-ovarian ligament
The illiopectineal line is also know as the pevlic brim or linea terminalis?
T or F
The cardinal ligament is also know as the sagittal cervical ligament?
T or F
F, it is the transverse cervical ligament
What are days 10-14 of the menstural cycle; ovulation occurs; the endometrium increases in thickness and echogenicity?
A. Secretory phase
B. Proliferative phase (late)
C. Proliferative phase (early)
D. Premenarche
What are days 5 to 9 of menstural cycle; endometrium appears as a single thin stripe with a hypoechoic halo encompassing it?
A. Proliferative phase (late)
B. Proliferative phase (early)
C. Secretory phase
D. Premenarche
Days 15 to 28 of the menstural cycle, the endometrium is at its greatest thickness and echogenicity with posterior enhancement?
A. Secretory phase
B. Premenarche
C. Proliferative phase (early)
D. Proliferative phase (late)
What is the time before the onset of menses?
A. Premenarche
B. Menses
C. Parity
What is the middle layer of the uterine cavity that appears very homogenous with sonography?
A. Endometrium
B. Myometrium
What is the inner lining of the uterine cavity, which appears echogenic to hypoechoic on ultrasound, depending on the menstural cycle?
A. Endometrium
B. Myometrium
What does parity mean?
What is any projection like a horn; refers to the fundus of the uterus where the fallopian tube arises?
A. Internal os
B. Inroitus
C. External os
D. Cornua
What is the inner surface of the cervical os?
A. Internal os
B. External os
What is an opening or entrance into a canal or cavity, as the vagina?
A. Intoitus
B. External os
C. Parity
D. Cornua
What is a benign invasive growth of the endometrium that may cause heavy, painful menstural bleeding?
A. Adenomyosis
B. Cervical polyp
C. Hydrometra
D. Submucosal leiomyoma
What is a hyperplastic protrusion of the epithelium of the cervix?
A. Cervical stenosis
B. Cervical Polyp
C. Endometrial hyperplasia
D. Adenomyosis
What is the acquired condition with obstruction of the cervical canal?
A. Hydrometra
B. Cervical Stenosis
C. Endometriosis
D.Cervical Hyperplasia
What is the condition that results from estrogen stimulation to the endometrium without the influence of progestin?
A. Endometrial hyperplasia
B. Endometriosis
C. Endometritis
D. Hydromera
What is a pedunculated or sessile well-defined mass attached to the endometrial cavity?
A. Submucosal leiomyoma
B. Endometrial polyp
C. Cervical stenosis
D. Pyometra
What is the obstruction of the uterus and/or the vagina characterized by an accumulation of fluid?
A. Leiomyoma
B. Hydrometra
C. Pyometra
D. Endomitritis
What is infection within the endometrium of the uterus?
A. pyometra
B. hydrometra
C. endometritis
D. leiomyoma
What is the type of leiomyoma found to deform the endometrial cavity and cause heavy or irregular menses?
A. Submucosal leiomyoma
B. Subserosal leiomyoma
C. Leiomyoma
D. Gartners duct cyst
What is the type of leiomyoma that may become pedunculated and appear as an extrauterine mass?
A. Nabothian cyst
B. Gartner’s duct cyst
C. Subserosal leiomyoma
D. Leiomyoma
What is the obstruction of the uterus and/or the vagina characterized by the accumulation of pus?
A. Pyometra
B. Hydrometra
C. Leiomyoma
D. Gartners duct cyst
What is a benign tiny cyst within the cervix?
A. Gartner’s duct cyst
B. Nabothian cyst
C. Leiomyoma
D. Endometritis
What is the most common benign gynecologic tumor in women during their reproductive years?
A. Leiomyoma
B. Pyometra
C. Subserosal leiomyoma
D. Submucosal leiomyoma
What is a small cyst within the vagina?
A. Nabothian cyst
B. Gartner’s duct cyst
C. Pyometra
D. Leiomyoma
What is the most common type of cervical cancer?
A. Squamous cell carcinoma
B. Cervical cancer
C. Serous membrance carcinoma
D. Renal cell carcinoma
What is the substance that stimulates the developlment of male characteristics?
A. Estrogen
B. Androgen
What is the malignant tumor that forms cysts?
A. Cystadenocarcinoma
B. Cystadenoma
C. Serous cystadenocarcinoma
D. Ovarian carcinoma
What is the benign adenoma containing cysts?
A. Cystadenoma
B. Serous cystadenoma
C. Ovarian Carcinoma
D. Ovarian torsion
What is the benign tumor comprised of hair, muscle, teeth and fat?
A. Follicular cyst
B. Dermoid tumor
C. Corpus luteum cyst
D. Adenoma