Test Number Two (6-10) Flashcards
5 Models for Job Satisfaction
- Need Fulfillment
- Discrepancies
- Value Attainment
- Equity
- Dispositional Components
Need Fulfillment
Model that proposes that satisfaction is determined by the text to which a job allows a individual to fulfill their needs.
Satisfaction is the result of met expectations
Value Attainment
Satisfaction is based from the perception that a job allows for fulfillment of a person’s work values. “work how they want”
Satisfaction is based on how fairly a individual is treated at work
Genetic Components/Dispositional
Satisfaction can be based on some genetic factors
Variables that can be pos or neg and effect satisfaction
- Motivation
- Job Involvement-extent that a person is personal involved in his work role
- Organizational Commitment
- Withdraw Cognitions-Thoughts about quitting
- Turnover
- Perceived Stress
- Job Performance
Adam’s Equity Theory
Model for motivation that explains how people strive for consistency between their cognitive beliefs and their behavior.
Person’s evaluation of whether they receive adequate rewards for their input
Distributive Justice
reflects the perceived fairness of how resources of rewards are distributed
Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior.
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory:
Motivation is a function of five basic needs-physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-acualization.
Human needs emerge in a predictable stair-step fashion
Mcclelland’s Need Theory
Need for achievement-desire to accomplish something difficult. Need for affiliation-desire to spend more time maintaining social relationships, joining groups and wanting to be loved. Need for power-desire to influence, coach, teach or encourage others to achieve.
Job Rotation
moving employees from one specialized job to another; stimulate interest and motivation while providing employees with a broader perspective of the organization
Job enlargement
putting more variety into a job
Job Enrichment
Modifying a job so an employee has the opportunity to experience achievement, responsibility and advancement
Intrinsic Motivation
positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well causing motivation
Extrinsic motivation
motivation caused by the desire to obtain specific outcomes
PE fit
compatibility between an individual and a work environment
Characteristics of Intrinsic Motivation
Sense of choice, competence, progress and meaningfulness.
Equity Theory
model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges
Equity Sensitivity Levels
Benevolents=higher tolerance for negative inequity
Sensitives=strict norm of reciprocity and quickly move to resolve inequity
Entitleds- no tolerance for negative inequity
Organizational Justice Levels (3)
Distributive Justice- perceived fairness of how resources and rewards are distributed
Procedural Justice-perceived fairness of the processes and procedures used to make allocation descisions
Interactional Justice-quality of the interpersonal treatment people receive when procedures are implemented
Belief that a particular degree of effort will be followed by a particular level of performance
Vrooms Expectancy Theory