Test Four Flashcards
a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions and behaviors that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world
psychodynamic perspective
personality is unconcious, early childhood, conflict b/w society and bio needs
psychodynamic perspective on personality
sex drive is main cause of personality development
instinct, largest structure in personality, completely unconcious
mostly unconcious, completes tasks/motivation
smallest component of personality, morality, “concscience”
defense mechanism
reduce anxiety by unconciously distorting reality
pushes unacceptable impulses out of awareness
erongenous zones
parts of body that bring pleasure
oral stage
0-18 months, pleasure = mouth
anal stage
18-36 months, pleasure = passing stool
phallic stage
3-6 years, pleasure = genitals
latency stage
6-puberty, repressed sexuality
genital stage
adolescence-adulthood, sexual re-awakening, pleasure = someone else
oedipal complex
desire to replace same-sex parent with and enjoy the affection of the opposite parent
Karen Horney’s Approach
both sexes envy the attributes of the other, need for SECURITY, not sex
collective unconcious (Carl Jung)
deepest layer of unconcious mind, shared by all humans because of common ancestry
rich and symbolic meaning in personality (personality tropes)
aspects of our personality we do not like about ourselves
enduring disposition that leads to characteristic responses
trait theories
we describe ourselves by our traits, building blocks of personality
behavioral approach to personality
personality = learned, environmental experience
social cognitive approach to personality
emphasis on concious awareness, beliefs, expectations and goals
reciprocal determinism
behavior, environment, cognitive factors combine to create personality
humanistic perspective on personality
emphazises positive qualities, personal growth, freedom to choose destiny
Carl Rogers’ humanistic pov
we distort or devalue our trueselves to fit in, lose sense of self
positive self-concept
unconditional positive regard, empathy, genuiness
abnormal behavior
behavior thats deviant, maladaptive, personally distressing
biological approach to abnormal behavior
brain, genetics, biological origins