Test 9 Flashcards
What is the oldest state constitution still in force today?
The Massachusetts constitution.
What does a republican form of government rule by?
Rule by law and rule by representation.
What is a major change in a state constitution?
A revision.
What is the process by which the voters of a state remove a governor from office?
What proposal is the most common method for proposing changes to a state constitution?
Legislative proposal.
What of a state usually administers the state’s election laws?
The Secretary of State.
In state legislature, a legislator’s vote will be permanently recorded during what?
A roll-call vote.
What does a joint committee consist of?
members from both houses of the state legislature.
What court case opened the door for federal court regulation of state apportionment?
Baker v. Carr
What is NOT a common characteristic found in both the U.S. Congress and most state legislation?
The lower house having more members than the upper house.
what does the government give an offender that gives a temporary postponement of a sentence?
What veto power do most governors have?
The item veto.
What percent of all court cases handled in the United States are decided in state courts?
About 90%.
What are traffic courts, small claims courts, and juvenile courts specialized divisions of?
Municipal courts.
What is the police officer for a court called?
What do state appellate courts do?
determine whether law was correctly interpreted and applied by a lower court.
What holds the legislative power in a typical county government?
The county board.
Who issues various kinds of licenses?
County clerk.
What is the most common type of special district?
School districts.
What type of tax targets people with higher incomes for the purpose of bringing about economic equality?
The progressive tax.
What is usually the largest item in state and local budgets?
What is the oldest and most widely used form of municipal government?
The Mayor-council form.
When did America’s urban population grow?
During the Industrial Revolution.
What would be an example of a city’s zoning power?
Extending the city limits by adding suburban areas.
With the two types of value for property, which is usually higher?
Assessment value is usually lower than market value.