Test 7 Flashcards
explain Df , pathological processes, mediators takes a part of development, of Bronchial asthma
-Df : its chronic inflammatory disease of the airways associated with atrophy and hyperresponsvniss
-pathological process:
2-hyper reactivity
—mediators takes a part of BA :
5-platelets activating factors
list diagnostic Criteria of BA
1-Cough , dyspnea, wheezing
2-recurrent symposium
3-high tens airways
4-reversible airway obstruction on pulmonary function
list laboratory changes of BA
1-Objectively : tachypnea , wheezing , dry rales
2-sputum analysis : Eosinophils ( kurshman spirals , Sharko-leidns)
3-General blood test : mild leucocytosis , eosinophilia
4-Spyrumatry :
-decrease: FVC , FEV1 , FEV4/FVC
-increase daily variability
describe action of B2 agonist
1- most effective bronchodilator for asthma
2-Bind to B2 receptor on airway smooth muscle , useful as acute BA symptoms Relfie
3-Side effect : duo to overlap of B2 activity and activation of B2 receptor in Sk muscles
4- no effect on inflammation
Describe ( Mild intermittent , mild persistent, moderate , severe from BA and its treatment
1-mild interment:
-day symptoms: less then 2 times per week
-night symptoms :less then 2 times per month
-FEV1 : Non
-Drugs : Salbutamol
2-mild Persistent :
-day symptoms: 3-6 times per week
-night symptoms :3-4 per month
-FEV1 : Non
-Drugs : Salbutamol, Beclomathson
3-Moderate :
-day symptoms: everyday
-night symptoms :more then 5 times per month
-FEV1 : 60-80% N
-Drugs : Salbutamol, Beclomethason , Salmeterol
4-Sever :
-day symptoms: everyday
-night symptoms :every night
-FEV1 : more then 60% N
-Drugs : Salbutamol, Salmeterol,Beclomethason
, Prednisone