Test 3 Flashcards
what pathegones are cellular immune can portect from ?
1-viral infection
2-some fungai nfection
3-parasitis diseas
4-some bactria such as sinosides
the cellular iommune respons for what ?
1- deylad haypersenstivty
2-transplantion rejaction
3-possable tumer survalince
the main function of T helper cells
1- t Helper they mnatin the intensity of the body immune respones
2-T cytocoxic which are dirctly attack the antigen on the surface of the forgein cells
diifraince betwen T cells and natural killers
— Tcells
1- time : 1-2 hours
2- antigen spicifc : NO
3- receptor on surface : (CD16) cluster of differentiation 16
— NK
1- time : 3-4 days
2- antigen spicifc : yes
3- receptor on surface : (CD8) cluster of differentiation 8
common propirties of T helpers and NK
1- the smae group factor = iL-2
2- Conatin Granules wiht potant chemical
3-they both killes Cancer cells and virus cells
explain the antiviral mechansim
1-antigen phagocytes by apc and exposed digstion
2-As result of digstion formed chain of amino acid 15-20 amino acid
3-this chain exhbited on the surface of APC and presnting TH1
4-the TH1 produce Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and Interferons (IFNs) which activate T killers
5-T killers binds its target and and cuases apoptosis of the target cell