Test 4 Lecture Notes Flashcards
What variables are needed to normalize a yawing moment?
q, S, b
Lect. 33, Slide 7
True or False:
(dC_L / d psi)_vt is the slope of the lift curve of the vertical tail.
False. It’s not the lift curve slope due to the fact that flow over the wing/fuselage combines to generate a sidewash component (but it is close).
Lect. 33, Slide 19
Directional control in yaw is principally determined by ______.
The ability of the rudder to create yawing moments.
Lect. 34, slide
There are seven jobs that the rudder is used for with respect to airplanes. What are they?
- The airplane path on the ground during TO and LNDG
- Spin recovery
- Coordinate the turn
- Induce a sideslip if needed
- Overcome prop effects
- Overcome asymmetric power effects
- Overcome adverse yawing effects
Lect. 34, slide 2
Directional trim changes with speed in straight flight are due almost entirely to ___________. Jet-powered aircraft should have _______ changes.
Singe rotation props.
No trim
Lect. 34, slide 4
Trim changes due to a single-rotation propeller arise from what two effects?
Sidewash effects on the vertical tail
Direct propeller yawing moments from the prop normal force
Lect. 34, slide 4
What are the two effects of the prop sidewash on the vertical tail?
- Increase in relative speed so qt/q is increased
- Increase of the sidewash angle (sigma)
Lect. 34, slide 4
Why is the vertical tail and rudder often offset from the aircraft’s longitudinal centerline?
So that at cruise, no rudder deflection is required. This is especially true when no independent rudder trim is available.
Lect. 34, slide 5
True or False
Having an offset rudder/vertical tail helps to reduce pilot workload.
Lect. 34, slide 5
The greatest cause of directional trim change (for a single prop airplane) with speed is due to _________.
The direct yawing moment created by the propeller.
Lect. 34, slide 6
As the axis of rotation of the prop is included upward wrt the relative wind, the downward moving blade has a ___________ than the upward moving blade.
Higher effective angle of attack.
Lect. 34, slide 6
True or False
Since the prop axis is inclined wrt the horizon, the blades will experience a change in angle of attack throughout their cycle of rotation.
Lect. 34, slide 6
If the angle of attack of the aircraft is changed, the prop will produce a _______.
Yawing moment.
Lect. 34, slide 7
If a prop is yawed with respect to the relative wind, a _________.
A pitching moment will result.
Lect. 34, slide 7
True or False
The effects of the side wash and the propeller moment are in the same direction and are additive.
Lect. 34, slide 10
When are the effects of side wash and propeller moment greatest?
At low flight speeds and high power levels.
Lect. 34, slide 10
True or False
For a single rotation propeller aircraft, a rudder deflection is required to maintain heading as a change in speed is applied.
Lect. 34, slide 11
For a single rotation propeller aircraft as speed is changed the rudder must be deflected in order to maintain heading. This is accompanied by a change in ________.
Sideslip angle.
Lect. 35, slide 11