Test 4: Chapter 23-24 Flashcards
What is Communism?
A form of socialism which advocates the violent overthrow of existing governments with the goal of changing society and ultimately perfecting mankind
What does Communism always result in?
Totalitarian dictatorship that dominates the person, property, and even thought of its citizens by means of force and terror
Who formulated the basic ideas of Communism?
Karl Marx
Who was the first to put Communism into practice on a wide scale?
Vladimir Lenin
Who organized Marx’s ideas into a pseudo-scientific format?
Friedrich Engels
What is dialectic materialism?
That nothing but the material world exists and that material conditions alone determine how a person thinks, acts, feels, and believes.
Who said “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”?
Karl Marx
How did Marx view history as?
As a class struggle
What did Marx call religion?
“opiate of the people”
What became the foundation of Communist ideology?
The secular humanism embraced by Marx and Engels
What is the Communist Manifesto?
A pamphlet which laid out a program for Communist revolution
What did Das Kapital offer?
Offered a theoretical foundation for Communist ideology
What is the First International?
Workingmen’s Association
Where is Kiev?
The capital of Russia
Who are the Rus?
Viking Tribe that took over ‘Russia’
What did the Rus call the land that they conquered?
“Land of the Rus”, or Russia
What is Ivan III known as?
“Ivan the Great”
How did Moscow rise to prominence?
When Russia fell into the invading Mongol hordes
Who became the first true national leader of a united Russia?
Ivan the Great
What is a czar?
Under who’s rule did Russia embrace feudalism?
Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV)
Who poured their energy into expanding Russia’s borders to the Black Sea?
Catherine the Great
Who build Sr. Petersburg?
Peter the Great
Who promoted colonization specifically between Alaska and the Oregon Territory?
Alexander I