Test 4 Flashcards
The period between early childhood and early adolescence, approximately from ages 6 to 11.
middle childhood
-immunizations, less lethal accidents and fatal illnesses are related too?
lower death rates
-better diagnostic and preventive medical care, less secondhand smoke, better health habits, specialized programs, improved oral health are examples of?
fewer chronic conditions
-average child gains about 2 inches and 5 pounds per year
-benefits of physical activity can last a lifetime
These are examples of what?
slow and steady growth
-Advances in physical, emotional, and mental health
-Academic achievement improvement
-Better cerebral blood flow and more neurotransmitters
-Better mood and energy
-Embodied cognition aided
These are examples of what?
the benefits of physical activity can last a lifetime
-sports not always beneficial
-traumatic brain injury
These are the concerns of _____________?
physical activity
Where can children benefit from exercise?
neighborhoods, schools, and sport leagues
-finding play places may be difficult
-modern life challenges neighborhood play
-economic barriers limit league and club participation
-time for school PE and recess is reduced in many schools
This is a problem with?
difficulties with exercise
many 6-11 year olds eat______, exercise ________, and become ______ or obese as a result
too much, too little, overweight
childhood obesity is ___________ worldwide, having more than ________ since 1980 in all 3 North American nations
increasing, doubled
excessive weight contributes to ___________, self-esteem _______, and loneliness
future health risk increases, decreases, failures
a measure of body weight relative to height
Body Mass Index (BMI)
in a child, having a BMI above the 85th percentile
childhood overweight
in a child, having a BMI above the 95th percentile
childhood obesity
-genetic influences
-parenting practices
These factors contribute what?
dozen of genes affect weight by influencing activity level, hunger, food preference, body type, and metabolism
genetic influences of obesity
-infants: no breast feeding and solid foods before 4 months
-preschoolers: bedroom TV watching and soda consumption
-school age: insufficient sleep, extensive screen time, little active play
These are all?
parenting practices
mothers try to keep newborns so clean that immune system doesn’t develop like it should
hygiene hypothesis
-drive for independence from parents expands the social world
This is all_____________
nature of the child
ideas about self that include intelligence, personality, abilities, gender and ethnic background
The tendency to assess one’s abilities, achievements, social status, and other attributes by measuring them against those of other people, especially one’s peers.
social comparison and self-esteem
- children value the abilities they have and become more realistic
- self-esteem typically decreases in school children
- some current research links low self-esteem with increased aggression, other findings link inflated self-esteem with male bullying and aggression
social comparison and self-esteem
- 4th stage in Erikson’s 8 psychosocial crises
- characterized by tension between productivity and imcompetence
Industry v. Inferiority
attempt to master culturally valued skills and develop a sense of themselves as either industrious or inferior, competent or incompetent
-concrete operational thought
-transitice inference
-information processing perspective
This is related to what?
Piaget’s term for the ability to reason logically about direct experiences and perceptions
concrete operational thought
The process of grouping things based on their similarities
understanding order / arrangement
understand implied information
transitice inference
the model that seeks to identify the way that individuals take in, use, and store information
information processing perspective
based on senses, can remember a lot for a small time
sensory memory
visual, lightning
iconic sensory memory
auditory, processing words later
echoic sensory memory
process what’s happening, reading test questions
working memory
unlimited capactiy
long-term memory
particular topic you know about
knowledge base
any major cogniticve ability
control processes
thinking about thinking
block out specific stimuli
selective attention
how quickly you can respond
reaction time
can do something without conscious thought
allow us to be more skilled in information processing
corpus callosum, myelination, prefrontal cortex