test#4 Flashcards
Samuel serving at the tabernacle
he received the prophecy against the house of Eli
Samuel judges Israel
he was really the last of the judges. He established a yearly circuit and it was under him when Israel asked for a king
Who was the first king of Israel and how did that come about
he went to look for his father’s donkeys and ended up going to Samuel’s house for help. Samuel then privately anointed him, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him.
who did Saul defend from the Ammonites and what did this do
Jabesh Gilead
The Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul and he called Israel to battle. It was successful, and Saul’s detractors were silenced, and the kingdom was unified.
What two things started Saul’s decline
his failure to destroy the Amalekites and his unlawful sacrifice
Where did David defeat Goliath
the Valley of Elah
Where did Saul die and in what context
Mount Giboa in a battle against the Philistines
David reigned in _____
where did David rule
David Covenant
David would not build the temple, he would have an eternal dynasty and an eternal heir
What foolish thing did David due involving the people
he took a census. It was out of pride, rather than praise
Solomon’s decline
he loved many foreign women, and they turned him after their gods
Josiah prophecy
during Jeroboam of Israel’s reign a man of God predicted the destruction and desecration of the altar by Josiah. This prophecy was fulfilled 300 years later
What did Elijah predict
a drought
who and where did Elijah challenged the prophets
he challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel
in what context did Ahab die
when he was fighting against the Assyrians. He tried to disguise himself for the battle, but a random arrow fatally wounded him
who raised the Shunammite woman’s son from the dead
who predicted the end of the siege of Samaria
what is the “Silver Age” of Israel
it was during the reign of Jeroboam ll
He restored territory to Israel as the prophet Jonah had prophesied. Israel was expanded
the defeat and dispersion of Israel
many Israelites deported, conquered by Assyrians, Assyrians repopulated the area, resulted in Samaritan people
defeat and exile of Judah
fell to Babylonians, palace and temple burned, walls of Jerusalem broken down, only poorest people left in Judah
who was released from prison in Babylon
decree of Cyrus
from Persia, captured Babylon, allowed captives to return home
what waves of captives did Daniel and Ezekiel come from
Daniel from 1st, Ezekiel from 2nd
key concept of Ezra
return from exile
what Ezra recount
1st return and rebuilding of temple under Zerubbabel, 2nd return and reforms enacted by Ezra
recipients of Ezra
Jews of post-exilic period
where does Ezra take place
some in Persia, mostly in Judah
faithfulness of God
nation had been punished for sin, but God was faithful to restore His people
post-exilic Jews struggled to be distinct from neighbors and separation was necessary to reestablish their identity as people of God
3 stages of return
1: Zerubbabel, 2: Ezra, 3: Nehemiah
what language are 2 sections of Ezra written in
relation of Nehemiah to Ezra
originally 1 book, share continuity of storyline, but display differing 1st-person perspectives, probably compiled by Ezra
what can book of Ezra be separated into
1st return, 2nd return
who led the 1st return
Zerubbabel, during return census of remnant is taken
who led the 2nd return
Ezra, granted authority to return to Jerusalem by Artaxerxes !, census of returners was taken
what did Ezra do during the 2nd return
dealt w/sinful marriages, praise for God’s mercy and forgiveness, pagan wives were divorced
key concept of Nehemiah
rebuilding of Jerusalem
what does Nehemiah recount
events in Jerusalem during the governorships of Nehemiah, w/special attn to rebuilding the city walls and social reforms
author of Nehemiah
probably Nehemiah but compiled and revised by Ezra
recipients of Nehemiah
post-exilic Jews
setting of Nehemiah
some in Persia, but mostly Judah
enablement for service
God can call individuals to service, He gives the means and abilities to accomplish the tasks
what 2 sections of Nehemiah be divided in
restoration of walls, dealing w/restoration of people
who prophesied a 70-yr capitivity
Nehemiah returns to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls
he learned the city was in ruins and people were poor, king noticed he was sad, N asked if he could rebuild city and was sent to do so
who read the law to the people during a return
Nehemiah organizes the city of Jerusalem
lots were cast to see who would repopulate the city, dedicated the wall of Jerusalem
Nehemiah’s 2nd term as gov.
he cast Tobiah out of house of God, addressed withholding of tithes, violation of Sabbath, intermarriage
key concept of Esther
protection of Jews
content of Esther
acct of Esther’s rise to prominence in Persian court and ability to intercede on behalf of Jews
author of Esther
unknown, maybe Mordecai
setting of Esther
Persia, Susa during Xerxes 1’s reign
sovereignty of God
name of God not mentioned but sovereignty and providence permeate the book
God’s covenant relationship w/Israel
promised to bless His people and He does that despite their moral shortcomings
feast of Purim
extra-biblical Jewish festival, Purim derived from word for lot
character of individuals in Esther
not especially religious, Esther hides nationality, God uses them in spite of their faults
how is Esther divided up
characters of the story and relationships to ea. other, conflict as Haman plots against Jews, reversal of fortunes, resolve
Who were the sons of Eli
Hophni and Phinehas
King Agag
the king of the Amalekites whom Saul spared
the first wife of David, daughter of Saul. She saved David’s life when Saul was mad by having D. leave through a window.
The man who refused to give portions to David’s men. His wife was Abigail
He was anointed king of Israel, while David was anointed king of Judah. Ish was Saul’s son
he was the commander of David’s forces
he was the commander of Israel’s forces
When David attempted to bring the ark to Jerusalem, Uzzah touched it and was struck dead
her was the one who revealed the LORD’s covenant to David
the crippled son of Johnathan. David showed kindness to him and assigned him a place at the king’s table.
A son of David. He fell in love with his half-sister, Tamar and raped her. Her full brother, Absalom, invited him to a feast and murdered him.
tried to usurp the throne from David. He was known for his good looks and long hair. Stole the hearts fo the people through deception and procliamed hiself king in Hebron. during a battle his forces were defeated and he was found hanging from a tree and was killed by Joab, though David commanded that he be spared
when David was close to death, Adonijah claimed to be king. This is when Bathsheba went to David and reminded him of what was said about Solomon
the young women who was brought in to keep David warm
Rehoboam of Judah
made king in replace of his father, Solomon. He rejected the people’s request for less tax and listened to the young men instead of old advisors. He increased the burdens and then the people rejected the house of David. That begun the divided kingdom. Also, the LORD sent Shishak of Egypt to plunder the temple and royal palace.
Jeroboam of Israel (the son of Nebat)
he made golden claves. A man was sent to rebuke him. This is where the prophecy of Josiah is.
Asa of Judah
did what was right in the eyes of the LORD. removed pagan worship and commanded them to seek the LORD. Cried out to God in battle and was delivered. But, he sent money to Syria to help in conflict with Irael. This lack of trust what rebuked and he was imprisoned. He was diseased in his feet but didn’t seek God
Zimri of Israel
reigned for only seven days.. he commited suicide by burning down the palace upon himslef
omri of israel
established Samaria as his capital. did evil in the sight of the Lord. He was worse than all his predecessors
Ahab of Israel
did evil in the sight of the Lord. He was worse than allhis predecessors. Took Jezebel ( a Sidonian princess) to be his queen. He took Nabath’s vineyard. and fought against the Assyrians and died.
prophecied Ahab’s death and was sent to prison for that.
who was translated to Heaven like Elijah
Elisha’s servant
Jehoshaphat of Judah
the Lord was with him. but he foolishly went to battle with Ahab and almost died. instituted religious reforms in Judah. did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.
Jehu of Israel
had Jezebel killed and Ahab’s family an the worshipers of Ba’al. commeded for that, but he continued in the sins of Jeroboam (the golden claves). He did not follow the law of the Lord.
Queen Athalia
when her son died, she tried to murder all the roayl heirs to secure the throune for herself. only Joash was rescued and was brought up in the temple and crowned king when he was seven years old
Jehoiada the priest
proclaimed Joash as king and Athalia was executed
Joash of Judah (Jehoash)
did what was right in the sight of God. came to power when he was seven. Jehoiada was his counselor. repaired temple and dorve Ba’al worship out.
Jeroboam ll of Israel
did evil in the sight of God. restored territory to Israel as Jonah prophesied.
who predicted the expansion of Israel in the time of Jeroboam ll
Uzziah of Judah
did right in the sight of God and enjoyed military success. but proudly entered the temple to burn incense and was struck with leprosy
Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria
began to deport some of Pekah’s people to Assyria
Ahaz of Judah
evil in the sight of God. participated in pagan practices. He appealed to Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria for help.
Hoshea of Israel
did evil in God’s sight. became a vassal of Shalmaneser and conspired with Egypt and failed to pay tribute to Asyria. He was the last king of the northern kindom
who was the last king of the northern kingdom
king of assyria who invaded Israel (northern kingdom)
Hezekiah of Judah
did what was right. reestablishes worship of God. reinstated proper worship including the celebration of the Passover. was deleiverd from Assyria. recoverd from a fatal illness and was given fifteen more years. he dispalyes his welath to the Babylonians
Sennacherib of Assyria
capmaigned against Judah and threatened the city of Jerusalem.
a counselor to Hezekiah.
Manasseh of Judah
evil in God’s sight. did all kind of abominable worship. Most wike dof the kings of Judah. Was brougth captive to Assyria, repented and was restored
who was the most wicked king of Judah
Hilkiah the priest
found the Book of the Law in the Temple
Pharoah Necho
Josiah battled him and died. Necho was going to battle with Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon at Carcamesh. took Jehoahaz captive to Egypt
Jehoahaz of Judah
did evil. reigned three moths until taken captive by Pharoah Necho to egypt
Jehoiakim of Judah
did evil. became a vassal fo King Nebuchadnezzar. and was under his control
Jehoichin fo Judah
did evil. ruled only threemonths and Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem and took him captive. he was latter released from Babylonian prison
Zedekiah of Judah
third son of Josia to reign. did evil. He rebelled against Babylon. Last king of southern kingdom
who was the last king of Judah
Zedekiah (Z)
who prophecied teh 70-year captivity
Haggai and Zechariah
prophets who encouraged the peopel to rebuild temple
King Artazerzes
allowed Nehemia to return
Snaballat and Tobia
tried to discourage Nehemiah tired to bring work to a ceas and ridiculed the Jews.
1 Samuel 17
David and Goliath
1 tiny david 7 big goliath
2 Samuel 7
Davidic covenant
what two people did Jehu kill in the same day
joram fo Israel and Ahaziah of Judah
how many days did the repairs of the wall take
who were the enemies of Israel in the kingdom period
Philistines, Syrians, assyrians, Babyolonians