test 1 Flashcards
the doctrine of the Scriptures
theology proper
the doctrine of God
the doctrine of the Holy Spirit
the doctine of angels
the doctrine of man
the doctrine of sin
the doctrine of salvation
the doctrine of the chruch
the doctrine of last things
order of the dispensations
(in reverse order)
Kingdom, Church, Law, Promise, Human Government, Conscience,, Innocence.
Kara Called Logan, and Promised Him Gold Coins and Ink
four main divisions of English OT
Law, History, Poetry, and Prophecy (in that order)
three main divisions of Hebrew OT
The Law, The Prophets, The Writting
when was the Exodus
1446 BC
44 are the people
1 is his staff
6 is Moses so 1446
when was the fall/destruction of Samaria by the Assyrians
722 BC
7 and 2 look like cliffs and Samaria fell off of them
when was the fall of Jerusalem by the Babylonians
586 BC
“in 586, Jerusalem got kicked”
when was the end of the Old Testament
ca. 400 BC
leads into “400 hundred years, silence”
Old Testament History of Israel: eras of Israel’s history
Patriarchal Period Theocratic Era United Monarchy Divided Monarchy Single Kingdom Exilic Period Postexilic Period
The Primeval Era
from Creation until Abraham
Patriarchal Era
Abraham until the establishment of Israel as a nation
Theocratic Era
from the establishment of the nation until the coronation of Saul as Israel’s king
the Monarchial Era
from the coronation of Saul until the fall of Judah
Exilic Perod
from the fall of Judah until the decree of Cyrus allowing the Jews to return
Postexilic Period
from the decree of Cyrus until the end of the Old Testament
The Intertestamental Period
from the end of the Old Testament until the beginning of the New Testament
the uniqueness of the Bible
it is a human and divine book and is God’s communication to us
what is revelation
revelation is the act of God in which He makes known to mankind the truth which they would not have otherwise known
what is general/natural revelation
it reveals God through nature, through His gracious providence, thorough man’s constitution, and through man’s conscience
special revelation
takes many forms, including miracles, direct communication, the person of Christ, and the Bible
the process whereby the HS superintended the human authors so that, using their own personalities, they produced without error the origianl autographs of God’s written revelation to mankind
the words of Scripture are inspired
all of the words are inspired
what is the canon of Scripture
is the collection of books that were recognized as authoritative and, thus, were considred to be God’s Word to mankind.
means that the Bible is completely free from error
God has kept His Word from destruction and loss through the course of human history
means that the Bible sets the standard for the believer’s doctrine, practice, and ethics
what does the information and instruction of the Bible do
can bring usaved individuals to salvation and instr. for how the believer is ot live
how many people wrote the Bible
about 40
what was the time of the Bible
at least 1,500 years–ca. 1440 BC (Pentateuch) to ca. AD 95 (Revelation)
perhaps up to 2,000 years depending on the date of the book of Job
what were the ethnicities of the biblical authors
Jews and Gentile–Luke, Job (?)
what are the languages of the Bible
the study fo the principles of interpretation
what are the dispensation
innocence–Creation to Fall
Conscience–fall to the flood
human government–flood to Abraham
promise–Abraham to the giving of the law
law–giving of law to the establishment of the churhc
chruch–pentecost to the rapture
kingdom–the second advent to the New Heaven and New Earth
progressive revelation
the concept that God ahs revelaed Himself in stages over the course of time. Newer revelation is more complete and complements earlier revelation
what is essential to our full appreciation of the New Testament
a knowledge of the Old Testament
writing material made from animal skin
paper made from reed
who standardized the test and created a system of vowel pointing and cantillation markings
what is the OT translation into Greek called
what are the literary genres of OT
historical narrative
legal material
and wisdom literature
what is the land “between the rivers”
the Fertile Crescent
what area is called the Levant
Syria-Palestine area
what are the influences from Mesopotamia
what is transjordan
on the eastern side of the Jordan River
dimensions of Israel
150 miles N-S
100 miles E-W
what are the regions/longitudinal zones
coastal plain
central highlands
Jordan Rift Valley
Transjordan Highlands
what are the international highways
the Coastal Highway and the King’s Highway
what are the important bodies of water N-S
Sea of Galilee
Jordan River
Dead Sea
Sarah Gave Jordan R. some Desert Sand
what are wadis
seasonal rivers
mountains N-S
Mount Hermon
Mount Carmel
Mount Zion
cities N-S
Dan Samaria Jerusalem Hebron Beersheba daniel saw jessi hugging bobby
what is summer like
the soil becomes hardened in the hot, dry conditions
what is fall like
the early rains soften the soil
what is winter like
this is the rainy season. Regular cycles of rain sustain the grain crops
what is spring like
the latter rains provide nourishment so the crops can mature
grain crops are harvested then
spring festivals
Passover & First Fruits
Ingathering (Feast of Weeks, Pentecost)
fall festivals
Day of Atonement
Feast of Tabernacles (Feast of Booths)
the science that studies the material remains of past human societies
what does archaeology give
insight ot ancient culture
information about ancient events
and can complement bilbical information
what are the 3 limitations of archaeology
is limited to material remains
discoveries are open to interpreatation
discoveries cannot conclusively prove or disprove the Bible
what does “criticism” refer to
the implementation of judgment
the term is often used in a pejorative way
what presuppositions is biblical criticisms often linked to
how should critical methodology be used
very cautiously
textual criticism
deals with determining the original wording of the Bible
source criticism
seeks to identify and analyze hypothetical sources that lie behind the OT
form criticism
seeks to determine the oral sources that lie gehind the Scriptures and to analyze their pre-Scriptural history
how many books
39 OT
27 NT
what was the original biblical test
copies with no punctuation or spaces
it had no chapter or verse divisions
what should proper Bible interpretation be
Bible compared to other Ancient Near Eastern literature
similar in form but major difference in theological perspective
what was ancient Israel depentednt on to sustain its agriculture