3 Flashcards
The Creation
Genesis 1-2
The Fall of Mankind
Genesis 3
The Call of Abraham
Genesis 12
2 looks like a C
Israel Crosses the Red Sea
Exodus 14
1 looks like a staff and 4 looks like water retreating
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20
half of 20
The Day of Attonement
Leviticus 16
remember the story Mom told you and how six looks like a glass
Israel Refuses to Enter the Promised Land
Numbers 14
only numbers one. N=no
Rehearsal of the Ten Commandments
Deuteronomy 5
half of 10
Covenant Blessings and Curses
Deuteronomy 28
blessings=2 curses=8
k.c. of Genesis
content of Genesis
the book recounts history from the creation of the world until Joseph’s death with special emphasis on God’s selection of the nation of Israel
k.c. of Exodus
Deliverance from Egypt
content of Exodus
the book recounts the deliverance of Israel from Egypt, the communication of God’s laws to Israel, and the construction of the tabernacle
k.c. of Leviticus
The Holiness of God
content of Leviticus
The book states laws for the ritual purity of Israel before a holy God
k.c. of Numbers
Wilderness Wanderings
content of Numbers
the book recounts the history of Israel’s wandering in the wilderness
k.c. of Deuteronomy
Rehersal of the Law
content of Deuteronomy
the book contains three discourses reviewing God’s law and covenant with Israel