Test #3 vocab Flashcards
initiates, sustains, directs, and terminates activities and behavior
internal deficiency that may energize behavior
the psychological expression of internal needs or valued goals, for example hunger or thirst
the target or objective of motivated behavior
the value of a goal above and beyond its ability to fill a need
incentive value
a type of motive based on biological needs that must be met for survival
biological motive
express our needs for stimulation and information
stimulus motives
based on learned needs, drives, and goals
learned motives
a steady state of body equilibrium
cyclical changes in body functions and arousal levels that vary on a schedule approximating a 24-hour day
circadian rhythms
Abraham Maslow’s ordering of needs, based on their presumed strength or potency
hierarchy of human needs
the first four levels of needs in Maslow’s hierarchy; lower needs tend to be more potent than higher needs
basic needs
in Maslow’s hierarchy, the higher-level needs associated with self-actualization
growth needs
needs associated with impulses for self-actualization
motivation that comes from within, rather than from external rewards; motivation based on personal enjoyment of a task or activity
intrinsic motivation
motivation based on obvious external rewards, obligations, or similar factors
extrinsic motivation
a state characterized by physiological arousal, changes in facial expression, gestures, posture, and subjective feelings
actions that aid attempts to survive and adapt to changing conditions
adaptive behaviors
alterations in heart rate, blood pressure, perspiration, and other involuntary responses
physiological changes (in emotion)
outward signs that an emotion is occurring
emotional expressions
the private, subjective experience of having an emotion
emotional feelings
according to Robert Plutchik’s theory, the most fundamental emotions are fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, anticipation, joy, and acceptance
basic emotions
a low-intensity, long-lasting emotional state
a small area at the base of the brain that regulates many aspects of motivation and emotion, especially hunger, thirst, and sexual behavior
the proportion of body fat that tends to be maintained by changes in hunger and eating
set point (for fat)
an active dislike for a particular food
taste aversion
active self-starvation or a sustained loss of appetite that has psychological origins
anorexia nervosa
excessive eating (gorging) usually followed by self-induced vomiting and/or taking laxatives
bulimia nervosa
weight reduction based on changing exercise and eating habits, rather than temporary self-starvation
behavioral dieting
thirst caused by a reduction in the volume of fluids found between body cells
extracellular thirst
thirst triggered when fluid is drawn out of cells due to an increased concentration of salts and minerals outside the cell
intracellular thirst
the strength of one’s motivation to engage in sexual behavior
sex drive
changes in the sexual drives of animals that create a desire for mating; particularly used to refer to females in heat
any of a number of FEMALE sex hormones
any of a number of MALE sex hormones, especially testosterone
assumes that people prefer to maintain ideal, or comfortable, levels of arousal
arousal theory
a summary of the relationships among arousal, task complexity, and performance
Yerkes-Dodson law
high levels of arousal and worry that seriously impair test performance
test anxiety
learned motives acquired as part of growing up in a particular society or culture
social motives
the desire to excel or meet some internalized standard of excellence
need for achievement (nAch)
the desire to have social impact and control over others
need for power
personal characteristics that have been judged or evaluated; a person’s desirable or undesirable qualities
a person’s unique and relatively stable patterns of thinking, emotions, and behavior
a stable, enduring quality that a person shows in most situations
personality trait
a style of personality defined by a group of related traits
personality type
a person whose attention is focused inward; a shy, reserved, self-focused person
a person whose attention is directed outward; a bold, outgoing person
a person’s perception of his or her own personality traits
regarding oneself as a worthwhile person; a positive evaluation of oneself
a system of concepts, assumptions, ideas, and principles used to understand and explain personality
personality theory
a face-to-face meeting held for the purpose of gaining information about an individual’s personal history, personality traits, current psychological state, and so forth
interview (personality)
an interview in which conversation is informal and topics are taken up freely as they arise
unstructured interview
an interview that follows a prearranged plan, usually a series of planned questions
structured interview
the tendency to generalize a favorable or unfavorable particular impression to unrelated details of personality
halo effect
assessing behavior through direct surveillance
direct observation
a list of personality traits or aspects of behavior on which a person is rated
rating scale
recording the frequency of various behaviors
behavioral assessment
simulating real-life conditions so that a person’s reactions may be directly observed
situational test
a paper-and-pencil test consisting of questions that reveal aspects of personality
personality questionnaire
a test that gives the same score when different people correct it
objective test
the ability of a test to yield nearly the same score each time it is given to the same person
the ability of a test to measure what it purports to measure
one of the best-known and most widely used objective personality questionnaires
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)
psychological tests that use ambiguous or unstructured stimuli
projective tests
a projective test that consists of 10 standarized inkblots
Rorschach Inkblot Test
a projective test consisting of 20 different scenes and life situations about which respondents make up stories
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
a psychologist interested in classifying, analyzing, and interrelating traits to understand personality
trait theorist
personality traits that are shared by most members of a particular culture
common traits
personality traits that define a person’s unique individual qualities
individual traits
a personality trait so basic that all of a person’s activities relate to it
cardinal traits
the core traits that characterize an individual personality
central traits
traits that are inconsistent or relatively superficial
secondary traits
the visible or observable traits of one’s personality
surface traits
basic underlying traits, or dimensions, of personality; each source trait is reflected in a number of surface traits
source traits (factors)
a statistical technique used to correlate multiple measurements and identify general underlying factors
factor analysis
a graph of the scores obtained on several personality traits
trait profile
proposes that personality has five universal dimensions
five-factor model
Freudian theory of personality that emphasizes unconscious forces and conflicts
psychoanalytic theory