Test 3. Lecture 32 Flashcards
_________________are the largest family of cell surface receptors.
Signals are transmitted via guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins).
The receptors have seven membrane-spanning α helices.
G protein-coupled receptors
G proteins
Binding of a ligand induces a conformational change that allows the cytosolic domain to
activate a G protein on the inner face of the plasma membrane.
The activated G protein then dissociates from the receptor and carries the signal to an
intracellular target.
G proteins were discovered during studies of cyclic AMP (cAMP), a second messenger
that mediates responses to many hormones.
A G protein is an intermediary in ___________activation, which synthesizes ______________.
adenylyl cyclase
G proteins have three subunits designated α, β, and γ.
They are called _______________
The α subunit binds guanine nucleotides, which ___________
In the inactive state, α is bound to GDP in a complex with β and γ.
α, β, and γ.
heterotrimeric G proteins.
regulate G protein activity.
Hormone binding to the receptor causes exchange of GTP for GDP.
The _____________________ from the receptor and interact
with their targets.
α and βγ complex then dissociate
- ____________:
Chain of reactions that transmits signals from the cell surface to
intracellular targets. - Targets often include transcription factors that regulate gene
expression. - Intracellular signaling was first studied in hormones like epinephrine,
which signals the breakdown of glycogen to glucose. - In 1958 Sutherland discovered that epinephrine action was mediated
by an increase in ___________-, leading to the concept of
cAMP as a_____________.
Intracellular signal transduction
cyclic AMP (cAMP) second messenger
cAMP effects are mediated by ______________________, or
Inactive form has two regulatory and two
catalytic subunits. cAMP binds to the regulatory subunits, which dissociate the kinase.
The free catalytic subunits can then phosphorylate serine on target
cAMPdependent protein kinase
protein kinase A.
” regulation of glycogen metabolism by epinephrine”
The epinephrine receptor is coupled to adenylyl cyclase via a __________ that
stimulates enzymatic activity, increasing the concentration of cAMP.
G protein
In glycogen metabolism, protein kinase A
phosphorylates what two enzymes?:
• Phosphorylase kinase is activated, and in turn activates glycogen
phosphorylase, which catalyzes
glycogen breakdown.
• Glycogen synthase is inactivated, so glycogen synthesis is blocked.
In many animal cells, increases in cAMP activate transcription of genes
that have a regulatory sequence called ____________
The free catalytic subunit of protein kinase A goes to the nucleus and
phosphorylates transcription factor ____________
cAMP response element
CREB (CRE-binding protein).
Phosphorylation of CREB leads to recruitment of coactivators and expression of cAMPinducible genes.
Regulation of gene
expression by cAMP plays
important roles in many
aspects of ______________
cell behavior
Protein kinases don’t function in__________.
Protein phosphorylation is rapidly reversed by protein
phosphatases, which terminate responses initiated by receptor activation of protein kinases
How can cAMP regulate ion channels?
It is a second messenger in sensing smells—odorant receptors are
G protein-coupled. They stimulate adenylyl cyclase, leading to
increased cAMP.
cAMP opens Na+ channels in the plasma membrane, leading to
initiation of a nerve impulse.
_____________ is another important second messenger.
cGMP is formed from GTP by guanylyl cyclases and degraded to GMP by a phosphodiesterase.
cGMP mediates biological responses, such as blood vessel
Cyclic GMP (cGMP)
In the vertebrate eye, __________ is the second messenger that converts visual signals
to nerve impulses
The photoreceptor in retinal rod cells is a G protein-coupled receptor called
Rhodopsin is activated when light is absorbed by the associated molecule 11-
cis-retinal, which isomerizes to all-trans-retinal.
Rhodopsin then activates the G protein __________.
Transducin stimulates _________________-, leading to decreased levels
of cGMP.
cGMP levels are translated to nerve impulses by a direct effect of cGMP on ion
cGMP phosphodiesterase
Other cell surface receptors are directly linked to intracellular enzymes.
The largest family of these are the___________, which phosphorylate their substrates on tyrosine residues.
tyrosine kinases
Receptor tyrosine kinases
Includes the receptors for ________________
most polypeptide growth factors.
The human genome encodes 58 receptor tyrosine kinases, including the receptors for __________________________
EGF, NGF, PDGF, insulin, and many other growth
all receptor tyrosine kinases have:
- An N-terminal extracellular ligand-binding domain
- One transmembrane α helix
- A cytosolic C-terminal domain with protein-tyrosine kinase activity
Binding of ligands (___________) to the extracellular domains activates their
cytosolic kinase domains.
This results in ___________ the receptors and intracellular target
proteins that propagate the signal.
• This results in receptor ____________________-, as the two polypeptide chains
cross-phosphorylate each other
growth factors
phosphorylation of both
what are the two roles of autophosphorlation?
Phosphorylation of tyrosine in the catalytic domain increases protein kinase activity.
• Phosphorylation of tyrosine outside the catalytic domain creates binding sites for
other proteins that transmit signals downstream from the activated receptors.
Downstream signaling molecules have domains, such as SH2, that bind to specific phosphotyrosine-containing peptides of the activated receptors.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ were the first to be characterized, initially recognized in protein-tyrosine kinases related to Src, the oncogenic protein of Rous sarcoma virus.
SH2 domains