Test 3 Flashcards
Phylum Annelida =
the segmented worms
Name my Phylum: triploblastic, bilateral symmetry, protostome development, cephalization, true coelom, segmentation
Where are Annelids on the Phylum chart?
between Mollusks and Lophoporates
The following characteristics belong to what Phylum? Most with one or more pairs of chitinous setae, vermiform, Flexible/ thin body wall, Closed circulatory system & complete digestive tract, Gas exchange across body wall, Segmentation, Metanephridia
An Annelid’s conspicuously long body is known as what?
The segmentation of Annelids is known for repetition, this pattern is known as what?
The Annelid’s excretory structures are called what?
Annelida means what?
The body wall of Annelids often plays an important role in ______ and _____ but, it must be kept moist for gases to diffuse, so annelids live in aquatic or moist places.
locomotion and gas exchange
Where do Annelids live and why?
Aquatic or moist places because, its body wall must be kept moist for gases to diffuse.
In polychaetes and earthworms, segments are separated from one another internally by partitions called ____.
The segmentation of Annelids helps with ______. The coelom is divided into segments, and each segment has its own muscles allowing the animal to lengthen one part of its body while shortening another. Changes in pressure of one segment (affects/does not affect) pressures in other segments.
locomotion, does not affect
The large, compartmentalized coelom of Annelids serves as a _______.
hydrostatic skeleton`
Each segment of an Annelid has a pair of metanephridia used to ____________ and ____________.
excrete wastes and regulate water within the coelom
The inner end of an Annelid’s metanephridium opens into the ______ as a ciliated funnel (the nephrostome) and the other end opens to the _______ through a nephridiopore.
coelom, outside
Class _______ (about 64% of all annelids) include animals like sandworms & tube worms. Subclass ________ (about 27% of all annelids) include earthworms. Subclass ________ (about 5% of all annelids) include leeches.
Polychaetes, Oligochaetes, Hirudinea
Class Polychaeta and Clitellata (Subclasses Oligochaete and Hirudinea) are _______ meaning they do not molt.
Most _____ lack setae, while ____ and ______ have them.
leeches/Hirudinea, Cl. Polychaeta and SC Oligochaete
Class Clitellata have structure called ______. It secretes a cocoon for development of embryos (the “midsection”).
Name my class. most live in salt water, have parapodia, well-developed head, dioecious, some active & others sedentary.
Class Polychaeta
This class is probably the most primitive group of annelids. They live in habitats from intertidal zone to extreme depths; quite a few live in brackish or fresh water, at least 2 sp. are terrestrial. Their size range is from 1 mm to over 3 m. Each body segment typically has a pair of parapodia.
Class Polychaeta
Each body segment of Polychaete typically has a pair of paddle-shaped appendages called _____ that function in ________ and ______.
parapodia, locomotion and gas exchange
Class Polychaeta are often called bristle worms because of all their bristles, called ____, on each side.
In _________ polychaetes, setae, combined with snake-like body waves, help the worm to move along. In _______ {Eurythoe spp}, the bristles have evolved into defensive organs filled with venom which can break off in skin & cause irritation. Setae found in _________ or _______ worms that live in tubes or burrows have often evolved into hooks to help anchor the worm in place.
free-living, Fireworms, sessile or sedentary worms
There are two main groups of polychaetes. What are they?
Active (errant) and sedentary
What group of polychaetes have a well-developed parapodia that they use like oars, a well-developed head with jaws on a protrusable pharynx? Most of them are carnivorous but some are herbivores, detritus feeders, and omnivores.
Active (errant) polychaetes
Which group of polychaetes spend their lives in burrows in sediments or live in stiff, protective tubes made from sand grains or mud mixed with secretions or made out of calcium carbonate or a protein/carbohydrate mixture? These species have much reduced, modified, or no parapodia and lack a protrusable pharynx.
Sedentary polychaetes
A lot of sedentary polychaetes have feathery appendages which they extend out of their burrows. What are these used for?
Some are used for gathering food and others are for gas exchange.
All sedentary polychaetes are what finds of feeders?
deposit feeders or suspension feeders
Bloodworms are a type of _____ polychaetes.
active (errant)
What is the scientific name for bloodworms?
There are ___ to ___ species of bloodworms. They cost __ per pound. They are _____ with poison “fangs.”
300 to 500, $1, carnivores
What is Maine’s most valuable marine resource?
Most Polychaetes are ____ and only use ____ reproduction. However, they can reproduce _____.
dioecious, sexual, asexually
Male Polychaetes don’t not have distinct gonads. Gametes are produced by ________. Then, they are released in the _____ to ____ and can leave the body through _____.
peritoneal tissue, coelom to mature, nephridopore
At least ___ segments of Polychaetes are used for making gametes. Some species use _____ segments.
6, almost all their
Epitoky (upon birth), the bodies of some species of Polychaetes will transform into a ________ form that is well suited for _________ and __________.
reproductive, swimming and sexual reproduction
Polychaetes asexually reproduce, budding off reproductive units called what? Where do they bud from and what is it called?
epitokes, Their hind ends. atoke
Polychaete eggs are fertilized _____ and a ____ larvae will form. It is called a ________ larvae.
externally, free-living, trochophore
What am I? I can swim and drift and therefore represent the important dispersal stage, especially important for the sedentary adults. I grow by budding new segments as my posterior end (anterior to the pygidium). Each is equipped with cilia to help swim. After a number of weeks of getting longer and more adult-like, I will metamorphose into an adult form and will take on the adult lifestyle.
Polychaete trochophore larvae
Some species of Polychaetes don’t have a free-living larval stage. Instead, they
develop in an egg mass in the sediment or in Momma’s tube or in some, her brooding chamber.
Polychaetes are part of the _______ community.
marine plankton
Most Polychaetes will feed. They have _______ digestive tract)
a complete
Family Siboglinidae are the ___________. They are a small family (about ___ species) of Polychaetes that used to be called Phylum Pogonophora.
Deep sea tubeworms, 150
This family of Polychaetes are sedentary tube-builders, segmented (only have setae on opisthoma). They have no mouth, gut, or anus, and have a trophosome.
What is a trophosome?
a specialized organ in Siboglinidae filled with symbotic, chemosynthetic bacteria
One group of Family Siboglinidae is called the ______. Riftia pachyptila is a member of this group.
What class am I? There are about 160 species of me, I range from a few mm to >8 cm, I am not segmented as an adult, I live in sandy or muddy burrows, I am a deposit feeder, and I have crazy proboscis.
The Echiurans (Phylum Annelida)
Within the Echiurans, there is no segmentation or metamerism in extant species, but there is evidence of ___________ in the fossil record.
metamerism (serial segmentation)
All species of Echiurans are ______ and in most species males and females look similar. However, some species, like B. viridis, show extreme ________. The males are very small and live either on or in the female, usually in groups of about 20.
dioecious, sexual dimorphism
What does the Subclass Oligochaeta mean?
few setae
Who am I? I am terrestrial, freshwater and marine, I usually feed on detritus, I have a specialized digestive system to obtain the maximum amount of nutrients out of the detritus (e.g. typhlosole, gizzard, crop…).
Subclass Oligochaeta
Class Oligochaeta consist of ____ and _____ that live in terrestrial or freshwater environments. As shown by the class name, these worms lack the bristles that allow movement and increase surface area. There are some that are marine, but most (94%) are ____ or ____.
earthworms and other worms, terrestrial or freshwater
One oligochaete, the earthworm, ____ and ____ the soil as they burrow and enrich it with nitrogenous wastes. An earthworm ingests its own weight in soil and detritus every 24 hours! Darwin calculated that earthworms move ____ of soil to the surface per acre every year!
turn and aerate, 18 tons
Oligochaetes have an ____ circulatory system with 2 main longitudinal blood vessels. The ____ collects blood from vessels in the segments, then contracts to pump blood anteriorly. In the esophagus region, ____ propel blood from the dorsal to the ventral blood vessel. The ventral vessel carries blood ____. Small vessels branch from it & deliver blood to various structures in each segment and to the body wall. Within these structures blood flows through tiny capillaries before returning to the ____.
closed, dorsal blood vessel, five pairs of blood vessels (“hearts”), posteriorly, dorsal vessel
An Oligochaete’s gas exchange occurs through _____. Mucus is secreted by _____ and oxygen is transported by _____.
the moist skin, gland cells of the epidermis, hemoglobin in the blood plasma
The Oligochaete nervous system consists of _____, _____, and each segment has ________.
a pair of cerebral ganglia, a ventral nerve cord, a pair of fused ganglia along the nerve cord
What is a cerebral ganglia and where is it located in Oligochaete?
a simple brain, just above the pharynx
Where does the ventral nerve cord run in Oligochaete?
from the ganglia down the length of the body
Each segment of an Oligochaete has a pair of fused ganglia where? Nerves extend _____ from ______. The ganglia control the ________ which allow the worms to creep.
along the nerve cord, laterally from the ganglia to the muscles and other structures of the segment, muscle contractions
What is a typhlosole and what is it used for?
infolding of the dorsal side of the intestine, It increases surface area for absorption of nutrients.
Oligochaetes are _________ and ________ by exchanging sperm.
simultaneous hermaphrodites, cross-fertilize
Some species of Subclass Oligochaeta can use _____ reproduction. Adults can divide into separate crosswise sections and each section regenerates the rest of the body. Some use ______ in which eggs can develop without fertilization.
asexual, parthenogenesis
Who am I? I am usually freshwater but there are some marine and terrestrial species of me. About 75% of us are blood-sucking parasites. I have no septa between metameres and no setae or parapodia. However, I do have 2 suckers at each end of my body.
Subclass Hirudinea (Leeches)
Some leeches are _________ that capture small invertebrates like earthworms and snails.
non-parasitic predators
Most parasitic leeches attach themselves to a _____ host, bite through the skin, and suck out blood and store it in their ______. What do they use to keep the blood flowing.
vertebrate, crop diverticula (pouches), Hirudin - an anti-coagulant secreted by the salivary glands
Subclass Hirudinea are the what?
Subclass Hirudinea lack septa between metameres, so they are incapable of moving like what? Instead, they use their ___ and ______ to move.
Oligochaetes, anterior and posterior suckers
Leeches are simultaneous ______. They _____ by exchanging sperm and fertilization is ____. Fertilized eggs develop within _______ produced by the _____.
hermaphrodites, cross-fertilize, internal, external cocoons, clitellum
_______ have been used medicinally since the 19th century. They are currently used to increase blood flow following reconstructive surgery.
________ is a powerful anticoagulant that is found in the salivary glands of leeches.
Who am I? The anterior part of my body forms an eversible and fully retractable proboscis with a mouth at the end, I have a multicellular body called a ___ in my coelomic fluid.
The Sipunculans (Peanut worms), urn
What are the Sipunculans’ (Peanut worm’s) urns specialized for?
accumulating wastes
The peanut worms have anterior tentacles connected to a series of muscular sacs, what do they do?
pump fluid into the tentacles and store fluid when the tentacles retract
Unsegmented worms with well-developed fluid filled coelom, have no setae, have a cuticle, an epidermis, a layer of circular muscles, and a layer of longitudinal muscles. They have a tough cuticle exoskeleton, range from .5 - 24 inches in size (most are small in size), are strictly marine found in all oceans at all depths most are shallow water species and can burrow in sediments or hide in crevices of rocks.
The Sipunculans (Peanut worms
The Sipunculans are either ______ feeders (ingest sediment) or _______ feeders (using tentacles) and feed mainly on ____________. They do not secrete tubes but are commonly found in ______________. There are ___ species worldwide.
deposit, suspension, organic material, burrows in muddy or sandy sediments, 350
The mouth and anus of the Sipunculan are both located at the _____ end resulting in a U shaped gut.
Sipunculans excrete waste via a _________, helped by ____.
pair of nephridia, helped by urns
What are urns in the Sipunculans?
, groups of cells that float in the coelom collecting solid wastes and brings them to the body wall or to a nephridium
Sipunculan’s gas exchange takes place where?
across the tentacles
If you were dropped just about anywhere on the planet, the odds are great that the first animal you would meet would be an ______.
They range in size from tiny mites and crustaceans less than 1mm long to great Japanese spider crabs with leg spans over 9 feet. Who are they?
There are will over _______ species of described living arthropods and undoubtedly many more that are undescribed species (estimates range from _ million to over ___ million species). Most of this undiscovered diversity is within the ____ and ____ on land and the _____ in the sea. Arthropods make up _______ of all animal species!
1 million, 3, 100, insects and mites, crustaceans, at least 75%
What are the similarities between annelids and arthropods? (3)
1) body metamerism, 2) their embryonic development, and 3) the general structure of their nervous systems.
The major differences between annelids and arthropods structure are a result of the _______ in arthropods which led to the evolution of jointed legs (where they get their name).
invention of a rigid exoskeleton
Arthropods appear to be more closely related to nematodes, tardigrades, and onychophorans because members of these four phyla shed their outer cuticle as they grow = ecdysis (= molting). So, they are grouped in the ______.
The Arthropoda Subphylum _______ are all extinct. It was a very successful group but we only know it through the fossil record
Subphylum _______ consist of Class Merostomata, Class Arachnida, and Class Pycnogonida.
What does Class Merostomata consist of?
horseshoe crabs
What does Class Arachnida consist of?
spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions
What does Class Pycnogonida consist of?
sea spiders
The Arthropod Subphylum Mandibulata has 3 superclasses. What are they?
Myriapoda, Hexapoda, and Crustacea