Test 3 Flashcards
What is cognition?
Acquiring, storing, retrieving, and using info.
What does it mean to use imagery?
mental representation of a sensory experience
Mental categories used to represent a class or group of objects, people, events, etc.
Plans of action to be used in similar circumstances, concepts, understandings, etc.
“Rule of thumb”; derived from experience
What is decision-making?
Considering alternatives and choosing among them
What is language?
What is the importance/impact of learning a second language?
What is intelligence?
What are the different theories of intelligence?
Louis Thurstone:
Howard Gardner:
Robert Sternberg:
What are the elements of intelligence testing?
What is the nature/nurture debate involving intelligence?
What developmental process were discussed?
What is the difference between continuous and stage theories?
What is Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development all about?
What are schemas?
What is assimilation and accommodation?
What are the contributions of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Approach?
Kohlberg’s Stag Theory of Moral Development