Test 2: Sexuality in Adulthood Flashcards
Developmental Concerns
Several tasks challenge young adults as they develop their sexuality, evolving a sexual philosophy
Tasks that challenge young adults as they develop their sexuality
Establishing sexual orientation, integrating love and sex, forging intimacy and make commitments, fertility/childbearing decisions, practicing safer sex to protect against STI’s
Establishing Sexual Orientation
Most people develop heterosexual identity by adolescence/young adulthood, task is simplified because heterosexual is approved, lesbian/gay/bisexual/or unsure their development features more doubt and anxiety, violating deep social taboos can take them longer to confirm and accept orientation
Models of Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual < Bisexual > homosexual
Kinsey Scale
Ranges 0-6
0 on Kinsey Scale
Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual
1 on Kinsey Scale
Predominantly heterosexual, only incidental homosexual
2 on Kinsey Scale
Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 on Kinsey Scale
Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 on Kinsey Scale
Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 on Kinsey Scale
Predominantly homosexual, only incidental heterosexual
6 on Kinsey Scale
Exclusively homosexual
Storms Model
4 orientations (homosexual, bisexual, asexual, heterosexual) on a fluid scale, generated by a two dimensional model
Charles Moser (2015)
Understanding diverse partner sexuality by: combination and degree by which individuals experience the following components define sexual orientation
Sexual Identity
How individuals identify themselves sexually
Self Interest/Attraction
refers to a focus on the needs or desires (interests) of one’s self
Sexual Behavior
the manner in which humans experience and express their sexuality. People engage in a variety of sexual acts, ranging from activities done alone to acts with another person in varying patterns of frequency, for a wide variety of reasons
Sexual Orientation
a person’s sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Identity Process
Identifying oneself takes time and can involve different paths, process of self discovery and exploration, identity integration
Identity Integration
Incorporates the identity into their sense of self, engaging in LGB activities
Living together without marriage is increasing in rates, more accepting attitude towards non-marital, practical or convenient issue
New Social Context of Single hood
Increase in unmarried young adults and adults marrying later, greater sexual experience, acceptance of cohabitation, unintended pregnancy, nearly 1/2 of LGBTQ population in America identifies as single, increase number of abortion and birth to single women, greater number of divorce, increase number of single parent families
Sexuality in Middle Adulthood
Intimacy issues or childbearing issues/decision may have been deferred or only partially completed in young adulthood, redefining sex in marital or long term relationship, re-evaluating ones sexuality, accepting biological aging process
Rates have actually dropped (1990, 7.2 per 1000; 2014 3.2 per 1000) but have doubled among 50 and older in the past two decades
Consequences of Divorce
Changes in income, increase incidence of physical and emotional problems lead to depression, children
Single Parenting
More births to unmarried women, delay of marriage, increase divorce rates among couples with children
Sexuality in Late Adulthood
The psychosexual tasks older American under take are related to the aging process, biological changes, loss of partners, psychological influence, stereotypes of aging, sexuality and aging