test 2 review Flashcards
o Ability to dissipate heat via evaporation
o Economy of walking (Requires more O2 for walking at same speed)
children are lower in these
o VO2 max (in mlkgmin-1)
o PC+ATP energy system
children are similar in these
- Benefits are similar to those seen in chronically active adults
- Gains in VO2 max are slightly lower (5-15%)
- Strengths gains are independent of age
chronic effects of PA :comparison of children to adults
• The risk of exercise-related death is ___ in children and youth
__ min per day for children and __ min per day for adolescents
45; 30
awards for 60 min of activity 5 days per wk for 6-8
presidential active lifestyle award
o 60 minutes or more of vigorous PA per day
o Vigorous should be included 3 times per week
o Muscle strengthening activity 3 days per week as part of the 60 minutes
o Bone strengthening activity as part of the 60 min
6-17 yr olds
> 80% HR max, 3-4 days per week, 30-60 mins.
cardiorespiratory fitness us. PA guideline
- When you transition from Childhood to adolescence you may use adult recommendations, but use motivation tools tailored to the age group.
- For sedentary, obese children use the __ model when introducing exercise, just as the same with adults.
traditional role of resistance training enhances sport performance but current…
enhances health and fitness parameters in previous untrained; (glucose metab, management of body composition)
progression, regularity, overload, specificity (SAID)
principles of training to maximize effectivness
o Manipulating programs variables to continually increase training stimulus over time
For beginners, 5%-10% increase in weight; 2 to 4 rep
progression principle
o The most effective programs targets specific muscle groups and actions and energy
specificity (SAID)
`o Include previous training status, injuries, known diseases, personal goals
Health Status (consideration for program design)
o Training age
o Initial program in is simple
o Advanced programs can be quite complex
fitness level (consideration for program design)
o Increases in strength is limited to joints angle of training.
o More common in clinical setting
o MVC[max voluntary contraction], 3 to 5 seconds to 20 repetitions 3x per week.
isometrics (elastic equip)
o Lifting and lowering phase
o Tension exerted by a muscle concentrically varies throughout the ROM, but external load is constant
dynamic constant external resistance (free weights)
o Muscular actions at constant velocity
o Strength gains specific to velocity of training
-train only single joint (in rehabs)
o Rapid stretch and shorting action: amortization phase as short as possible
o Explosive jumping, skipping, hopping, throwing
Reasonable starting point: 6-10 reps 2 days/week
plyometric (jump training)