Ch1 Flashcards
frequency, duration, intensity, and type of activity vary depending on ___
- cvd
- cancer
- chronic lower respiratory disease
- accidents
- Alzheimer’s disease
leading causes of death in the u.s.
- smoking
- poor diet and physical inactivity
- alcohol consumption
actual causes of death
age, gender, race, susceptibility to disease
inherited/biological risk factor
physical(air, water, noise), socioeconomic(income,housing,employment), family(divorce, death of loved one)
environmental risk factor
smoking, inactivity/poor nutrition, drinking alch
behavioral risk factor
relative leanness cardiorespiratory fitness muscular strength muscular endurance flexibility
components of fitness
speed agility balance power coordination reaction time
performance related components
Agility - Ability to stop, start, and move the body
quickly in different directions.
Balance - Ability to maintain a certain posture or
to move without falling.
Coordination - Ability to perform a task
integrating movements of the body and
different parts of the body.
Power - Ability to exert muscular strength quickly.
Speed - Ability to move the whole body quickly.
performance components
• 30 minutes moderate intensity, 5 days per week
• Moderate Intensity: 40-59% VO2max or HRR
• 20 minutes vigorous, 3 days per week
• Vigorous Intensity: 60-84% VO2max or HRR
The ability of the circulatory and respiratory system to provide fuel during sustained physical activity.
Cardiorespiratory Function
Amount of body weight that is fat vs. non fat or body composition.
Relative leanness -
The ability of the muscle to generate maximal amounts of force.
Muscular Strength
The ability of the muscles to perform repetitive contractions over a prolonged time.
Muscular Endurance -