Test 2 Pregnancy & Prenatal Flashcards
Which vaccine is a Live vaccine needed before pregnancy
White people need Preconception testing for which disease esp.
Cystic Fibrosis
1 in 25
Sickle cell
1 in 12
Which vitamin is needed prenatal
Folic acid B9
Neural tube defects (Spinal Bifida)
400 micrograms
1st trimester anticipated weight gain
4 lbs
Food aversion makes many women lose weight 1st trimester
Familial dysautonomia
Maple syrup urine
Prenatal screening for which ethnic group?
Ashkenazi Jews
Hemoglobin E/beta thalassemia disease
Which ethnic group Prenatal Screening
Southeast Asian
How much weight in 2nd and 3rd tri should each category gain?
How much weight should each category gain per week
Underweight 28 - 40
Normal 25 - 35
Over 15 - 25
Obese 11 - 20
Underweight 1
Normal 1
Over 0.6
Obese 0.5
Fertile window starts ___ days prior to ovulation and ends on the day of ovulation - (egg is released from an ovary and into the fallopian tube during a woman’s menstrual cycle)
5 days prior to ovulation
Assume 28 day cycle
Which day is ovulation?
Which days are Fertile?
Ovulation day 14
Fertile around day 9
Early preggers HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is produced by the trophoblastic cells surrounding the embryo
HCG doubles every 48 - 72 hrs.
<6,000 hcg levels increase by atleast ___ % every 2-3 days
Hcg levels that don’t rise properly can lead to….
Pregnancy test measure Hcg and are 97% accurate
How quickly?
1 week after fertilization
Signs felt by early preggers
Vivid dreams
Missed period
Increase sense of smell
Breast change
Increase urination
Increase Body Temp
Objective signs of preggers
Compressibility and softening of cervical isthmus. (Portion of cervix between uterus & vaginal portion of cervix)
Hegar sign
Objective signs of preggers
Compressibility and softening of cervical isthmus. (Portion of cervix between uterus & vaginal portion of cervix)
Goodwill Sign
Softening of vaginal portion of cervix from increased vascularity
Normal RR in preggers
What happens with BP
Cardiac output?
12 - 24
Up to 110
Lower BP
Cardiac output Doubles
Are varicose & spider veins expected during preggers
How about dizzy / fainting
They happen
Softening of cartilage caused by ______ allows for Body to adapt to growing baby and gives woman a Pregnancy Waddle
Rise progesterone
Ligament that connects Uterus to Labia Majora ……
Pain in the area gets worse each pregnancies BURNING CRAMP
Round ligament pain
Increase or Decrease
Clotting factors
Clotting factors UP
Plasma UP - Result Dilution Anemia- RBC Stays the same and plasma volume increases
Non preggers
Hemoglobin 13.3
Hemocrit 38 - 45
WBC 4 - 11
Fibrinogen 300
Platelets 140 - 440
Hemoglobin 11
Hemocrit 32 - 34
WBC 6 - 14
Fibrinogen 450
Platelets 150 - 400
Chloasma ….
Mask of preggers
Due to increased Perfusion & Vascularness to skin (Releases Heat)
Linea Nigra….
Hypermelanosis up the abdomen
Why Hydronephrosis (excess fluid in a kidney due to a backup of urine)
in 90-95% of women?
Increased Perfusion to kidneys
Increase GFR/ Urine output
Ureter compression from the uterus
Stress incontence happens from…
Decreased bladder tone
Describe Gastrointestinal Adaptation
Decreases smooth muscle relaxation / Decreased Peristalsis
______ increases prolactin
Thyroid, increases thyroxine increases _____
Parathyroid does…
Ovaries / Placenta…
Pituitary Gland
Basal metabolic rate
Increases PTH for increased calcium & phosphorus
Increases Estrogen, Progesterone, Relaxin
Fundus height continues to rise until …
Reasons for a higher fundal height?
Typically which week does it stop growing
Fetus engages in Pelvis prior to delivery
High fundal height = Multiple babies, big baby, Molar Preggers (tumor that develops in the uterus as a result of a nonviable pregnancy)
Lower: IUGR Intrauterine growth restriction, SGA, Fetal demise
36th week
Fundal height between 20th - 36th week
Matches number of weeks
A variation of ___cm could suggest an issue with fetal dev
Are painful breast and nipples ever normal in preggers
Yes esp in 1st trimester
Psychological Adpation
1st Ambivalent/ Focuses on herself
2nd ID with mother role, Reorder personal relationships
3rd: Prepare for birth, fantasy about baby, Nesting
1st trimester
Week 1 - 4
Weeks 3 - 8
Week 5 - 8
9 - 12
Week 1 - 4
3rd week primitive heart beat
Weeks 3 - 8
All major organs formed
Week 5 - 8
Heart begins to pump
Arms & legs bud
Facial features begin to form
9 - 12
Extremities developed
External Genital differentiate
Weeks most susceptible to Teratogens
3 - 8
2nd Trimester
13 - 16
17 - 20
21 - 24
25 - 28
13 - 16
Fetus begins to move
Urine formation begins
17 - 20
Meconium begins collecting in bowels
21 - 24
Skin wrinkled, red, vernix, lanugo
25 - 28
Eyes partially opened
Resp. System still immature
3rd trimester
29 - 32
33 - 36
37 - 40
29 - 32
Toe nails & testies descended
33 - 36
Skin thicker, Fat accumulation, Excelente chance of survival
37 - 40
Baby gains fat
Nails extend beyond nail bed
Wharton’s Jelly
Gelatinous mucosal tissue that cushions and insulated the umbilical cord vessels
Umbilical cord shunts Deoxygenated blood where
3 structures shunt blood away…
Ductus arteriosus
Foramen Ovale
Ductus venosus
Prenatal care
1st trimester: First Visit to confirm pregnancy? May include US
2ND: Follow up every ___ weeks.
US scheduled at ____ weeks.
3rd: Follow up visit every 2 weeks once mom is ____ weeks pregnant.
After ____ weeks it is weekly visit
1st: between 8 - 10 weeks
2nd: Follow up every 4 weeks past initial visit. Anatomy US is scheduled between 18 - 20 weeks.
3rd: Follow up visit every 2 weeks once 28 weeks. After 36 weeks it’s weekly visit
First trimester: Weeks _____
Second trimester: Weeks _____
Third trimester: Weeks _____
First trimester: Weeks 1–12
Second trimester: Weeks 13–26
Third trimester: Weeks 27–40
1st visit
What happens
Prenatal panel
Pelvic exam
Confirm pregnancy
Abuse screening
Often no symptoms
Cervical culture
Blood test, VDRL, RPR
Molecular testing or Wet prep slide of vaginal discharge
How to lower risk of giving HVI to new born
Antivirals during preggers
No breastfeeding
State Naegales rule…
Based on 28 day cycle
Subtract 3 months from 1st day of previous Menstrual Period & Add 7 days
Caloric increase needed by trimester
1st None
2nd 340/day
3rd 450/day
Foods to avoid
Shark,swordfish, king mackerel, tile fish.
Lunch meat / hotdogs unless steaming hot
Soft cheese unless made with pasteurized milk
Pate, meat spread, smoked seafood
Unpasteurized milk, dairy, cider
Max 12 oz shrimp, salmon, pollock, catfish, and canned tuna per week
Standard dose….
Special case dose…
30mg Ferrous Sulfate 2nd & 3rd Tri
If anemic take 60 - 120mg
Cannot be supplied completely by diet
Take on empty stomach
Take with OJ to help absorption
Don’t Take with calcium supplements, milk, tea, coffee decreases absorption
Foods that contain iron
Meats, green leafy veg, eggs, grain, enriched products, dried fruits, tofu, legumes, nuts