Test 2 Key Terms Flashcards
Good Neighbor Policy
Foreign policy announced by FDR in 1933 that promised the US would not interfere in the international or external affairs of another country, thereby ending US military interventions in Latin America
NYE Committee
In 1933 a series of neutrality acts were passed between 1933 and 1937 designed to prevent entanglements in foreign wars. They prohibited making loans and selling arms to nations at war. Headed by Gerald Nye
Neutrality Acts
Legeslation passed between 1935 and 1937 that sought to avoid US entanglement in foreign wars whilst protecting trade
British strategy aimed at avoiding war with Germany in the late 1930s by not objecting Hitler’s policy of territorial expansion
At dawn on September 1st 1939, Hitler unleashed his blitzkrieg (lightning war) onto Poland. Triggered Soviet attacks onto eastern Poland and declarations of war from France and Great Britain 2 days later
Lend Lease Act
Legeslation oassed in 1941 that enabled Great Britain to gain arms from the US without cash, bit with the promise to bay it back later once the war was over.
Atlantic Charter
A statement issued on August 14th 1941 that set out goals for the US and Great Britain after WWII
Pearl Harbor Attack
On December 7th 1941, Japan attacks US national base at Pearl Harbor in Oahu, Hawaii. This event caused the US to join the war.
Executive order 9066/ Japanese Internment Camps
On Feb. 19th 1942, FDR issued this executive order which authorised sending Americans with Japanese descent to 10 makeshift internment camps.
Korematsu Decision
The suoreme court decision that upheld executive order 9066 blatant violation of the constitutional rights due to “military necessity” in 1944
Selective Service Act
This act required all men who were eligible for the military to register for the draft in the event that the US does go into WWII. Also prohibited discrimination in the military on the basis of “race or color”
Battke of Midway
June 3-6 1942 naval battle in the central pacific in which American forces surprised and defeated the Japanese who had been massing an invasion force aimed at Midway island. This battle put Japan at a disadvantage for the rest of the war.
Double V Campaign
WWII campaign in the US aimed to attack racism at home and abroad. FDR authorised a comittee to investigate and prevent racial discrimination in employment
Executive order 8802
In mid 1941, this authorised the committe on fair employment practices to investigate and prevent discrimination in the workplace
GI Bill of Rights
Legeslation passed in 1944 authorizing the government to provide WWII veterans with funds for education, housing, and health care, as well as loans to start businesses and buy homes
German effort during WWII to murder Europe’s jews, along with other groups the Nazis deemed “undesireable”
June 6th 1944. The day that the Allies invaded France. The largest assault in world history. Opened a second front against the Germans and led allies closer to victory in Europe
Yalta Conference
A secret conference held in Feb. 1945 with the US, Great Britain, and Russia to discuss post world war plans
Manhattan Project
US top secret project to beat Germany to building the atomic bomb
Reconstruction Finance Committee (RFC)
Federal agency established by Hoover in 1932 to help American Industry by lending government funds to endangered bakpnks and corporations, which hopefully benefited poor people through trickle down economics. It did not.
Bonus Marchers
WWI veterans who marched on Washinton DC in 1932 to lobby for immediate payment of thr pension (bonus) promised to them in 1924. Hoober believed that this bonus would bankrupt the government.
Scottsboro Boys
9 African American youths who were arrested for the alleged rape of 2 white women in Scottsboro, Alabama in 1931. After an all white jury senteced them to death, the communist party took action and saved them from thr electric chair.
New Deal Coalition
Political coalition that supported FDR’s New Deal and the Democratic Party. Including farmers, factiry workers, immigrants, city dwellers, women, African Americans, and progressive intellectuals. Dominated American politics during and well after FDR
A situation where farmers and factories would produce more than people consumed. This caused factories to lay off workers and farmers to loose money
Regulatory body established by thr Glass-Stegal banking act that gaurenteed the federal government would reimburse deposits if a bank were to fail.
Federal Emergency Relif Administration (FERA)
In May 1933, suppourted 4-5 Million households with $20-$30 a month. Also created jobs for the unemployed on public works projects
Civil Works Administration (CWA)
Put paychecks worth more than $80 million into the hands of previously jobless workers. Earning wacpges of 40-60 cents an hour, laborers built schools, sewers, roads, etc.
Civilian Conservation Corps
A federal relif program established in March 1933 that provided assistance in the form of jobs to millions of unemployed men and token number of women.
Tennessee Valley Authority
In May 1933, they built dams along the Tennessee river to supply poverished communities with cheap electricity
Agricultural adjustment act
Act passed in May 1933 aimed at cutting agricultural production and raising crop prices and farmers income. It paid farmers not to grow crops
National recovery administration
Established June 1933 to promote industrial recovery. Encouraged industrialists to voluntarily adopt codes that give fair working conditions
Workers progress administration
Established in 1935, provided government funded public works jobs to millions of unemployed Americans in the Great Depression
Wagner act
1935 law that gauventeed industrial workers the right to organize into labor unions
Social security
New deal program created in 1935 to provide a modest income for the elderly. Also created unemployment benefits with modest benefits
Court packing plan
Law proposed by FDR to add 1 new supreme court justice for each existing judge who had served for 10 years and was over the age of 70
Fair labor standards act
June 1938, reiterated new deal pledge to provide workers with a decent standard of living
Teapot dome
Nickname for a scandal in which interior secretary Albert Fall accepted $400,000 in bribes for leasing oil reserves on public land in Teapot Dome, Wyoming
Dawes plan
- Solved the issue of WWII reparations that Germany had to pay
Henry Ford
Creator of ford motor company and the assembly line. Made cars cheaper easier to produce
Welfare capitalism
Industrial programs for workers that become popular in the 1920s. Made work life better for workers.
Installment buying
1920s way of buying expensive things. Small downpayment then pay a little each month
18th amendment that banned the manufacturing and selling of alcohol. Went into effect in January of 1920. Almost impossible to enforce, ended in 1933
New woman
1920s New version of a woman. Women could drink, smoke, party, all the things that women could not have done before. Also changed the sexual double standard
New negro
Turn referring to African Americans who challenged racial hierarchy.
Harlem Renaissance
An era in the 1920s that highlighted black literature, music, and art in the United States
Lost generation
A group of artists in the 1920s that felt alienated from America’s materialistic mass cultured society. Ex: F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Great Gatsby
Johnson-Reed act
A law passed in 1924 that severely restricted immigration in the us to 161,000 people a year, with quotas for each European country
Klu Klux Klan
Revived in the 1920, in stone mountain, Georgia. Attacked blacks, immigrants, Catholics, anyone who was not white and prodestant. Also allowed women in the Klan
Scopes trial
Trial against a biology teacher who taught his students evolution. Started adebate betueen urban and rural values
Boxer uprising
Uprising in China led by the boxers, an anti foreigner group. Started when Christians went to chines to convert people. 350 Christians and 30,000 converts killed
Monroe doctrine
1823 declaration that the western hemisphere is closed off to colonization by eastern countries. In exchange, the US would not interfere in the east
Open door policy
Insisted by John hay in 1899-1900. Granted that big powers in the east h had access to trade with China and that Chinese sovereignty be maintained
Spanish American War
A war between Spain and the US over Cuba. The US wanted Cuba to be free from Spanish rule. in the end the US won Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philipines
Yellow Journalism
Term first given to sensationalistic newspaper and cartoon images rendered in Yellow. Fueled suppourt for Spanish American War
Platt Amendment
A series of provisions that granted the US the right to intervene to protect Cuba’s “independence” and power to oversee Cuban debts
Roosevelt Corollary
1904 follow up on the Monroe Doctorine. The US had the right to intervene in Latin America, but the eastern countries didn’t
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy
Triple Entente
Great Britain , France, and Russia
German submarienes tused in WWI, sank the Lusitania
British passenger boat that was torpedoed by German U-Boats on May 7th 1915. This event challenged US neutrality in WWI
Zimmerman Telegram
A telegram sent by Germany to Mexico. Saying that if Mexico sided with Gremany and distracted the US, Germany would give some of Mexico’s “lost territory” back. Intercepted by Great Britan and the US was informed.
Russian revolutionaries that seized power in 1917, and withdrew Russia from WWI
American Expenditionary Force
US armed forces who fought under a separate American command during WWI. Fully entered in 1918.
18th Amendment
Started prohibition era on Jan. 1st 1920, banning the manufacture and sale of alcohol
19th Amendment
Gave women the right to vote.