Test 2 Flashcards
Greek Characteristics
Geography impacts how they develop-most of the terrain is rugged, little good farm land. Isolation plays a big role. They’re never unified, political unity is hard
City-State Process
1) Monarchy-King/Queen rules, then they’re overthrown by nobles/aristocrats
2) Oligarchy-When nobility and aristocrats rule. They begin to take advantage of the common man.
3) Tyranny-One individual would rebel in the name of the people
Culture of the odyssey and Iliad, warrior based society(militaristic), Trojan war,
Hienrich Schliemann
Used the Iliad as a geographical guide and found the Mycenaean culture, found Troy
Got stuck in stage 2, militaristic state, individualism not valued, state controls your life, no encouragement of the arts or creativity, Sparta=live
Gets to stage 4 quickly, creator of democracy, big separation between rich and poor, Solon (sulan) solves their problem
Writes laws down in Athens so the rich can’t change it (equality before law)
Solon (Sulan)
Considered wisest man in Greek history, both classes came to him for advice, suggested cancellation of debts for debtors so the poor wouldn’t start a war, solved the immediate problem, his long term solution was to let the poor help in making laws
Believed public should have a voice in making laws, democracy=vote, good public speaker (persuasion)
In charge of Athens, wins 45 elections, entire time named after him, great idea for political and economic power=Delian league, proposes that the smaller states send troops or money to Athens to build an army to fight the Persians, helped strengthen Athens
Phillip of Macedonia (and his reforms)
Greeks look down in Macedonians as savages, he is taken by Greeks and raised, sees they’re divided, military genius, sent back to homeland to rule when his father dies, massive reforms to their military, creates the first full time professional trained army with major advantages
The Greeks last stance to defeat Phillip, but they can’t
Alexander the Great
Son of Phillip, mother arranges for assassination of Phillip, all of Alex’s rivals mysteriously disappear, comes to the throne at an early age, created largest empire the world had ever seen up to that point, created trade routes everywhere, created Alexandria and Antioch, takes Greek culture everywhere
Takes Egypt (holy land) wealthiest general, one of the two most important generals to rule after Alex
Takes 2/3 of Alex’s empire (Iran, Iraq, Syria, turkey, India), no good successors they kept losing territory.
First great Greek philosopher, said water was the essence of the universe
Said the air/atmosphere was the essence of the universe
Said something unknown, but tangible was the essence of the earth
Permanence/continuity was the essence
Constantly evolving/changing world is the essence of the universe
World consists of tiny atoms that hold everything together, early version of atomic theory, actually correct, but his school wasn’t very important
Various shades of gray, everything is relative (situational ethics), no absolute truth, first lawyers(for a fee they would argue anything)
Those who have the power make the rules (might makes right)
First of the three moral philosophers, never wrote anything down, believed that absolute truth wS ascertained by persistent questioning, critique was public, every question was answered with a question, never held a steady job, convicted if poisoning the minds of youth and ordered to drink poison