Test Flashcards
what are were the reactions of the industrial revolution
worker discontent developed new ideologies to counter mistreatment
workers created groups/movements to try and protect their rights
western countries began adopting capitalism while other countries adopted communism
blueprint for an ideal society
no social class tension / struggle
people do the job they want to do, not for money for a good society
criticized for being naive and unrealistic
want to work but jealousy from money comes
belief in no overarching authority in society
morally destifies the idea of “state” bc immoral to tell people what to do
no group has the right to take authority over society
tied to socialism and worker unions
Result of Anarchy
supports riots and revolutions
Spanish civil war: started bc anarchy ideas
Antifa: groups/rioters cause unrest turmoil with violence/breaking law
Labor Union
association of similar workers fighting to secure improvements (usually make commitee)
Ex. American Federation of Labor
Ex. Britain became tied to politics (labour party)
American Federation of Labor
samuel gompers found it
formed the idea of collective bargaining (one person represents the group who all wants something to talk to boss)
work stoppage by mass refusal to workers, common in Europe and the Americas
peace owner hire to replace people
Picketers and Scabs
workers on the strike, usually in front of building to show public shame
the people the owners hire to replace people on strike, would have to cross picket line to get to work
Homestead Strike
guy hired detectives to take scabs through picket lines, picketers fired at detectives and vice versa
resulted in people dead and injured
Secret Soceties
because of strikes, it became dangerous to be in a labor union, so went underground to make secret societies
Molly Maguires
Know Nothings
Nights of Labors (kol)
Molly Maguires
irish, coal miners
very violent - used terrorist methods
Know Nothings
coal miners, textile workers, anytime one was suspected/convicted/caught all would say “I know nothing about it” - used terrorist methods
Nights of Labors (kol)
tailors/all textile workers
opened it up to every trade
both men and women (only union with women)
the first and only group that allowed black membership until mid 1900s
first formal labor union
created by Adam Smith
alternative to the global economic system of mercantilism, which is the idea that there is only so much money in the world
bc of this they get less money with more countries so created capitalism
3 parts of capatalism
supply and demand
Lack of govt. regulation
Supply and Demand
price of an object depend on where two curves intersect
how much you want and how much there is controls prices
no chart
two curves X’s middle is the price
“let it alone”
peoples opinions on products drives what prices are/availability
Lack of govt. regulation
US Regulates: Gas/oil, dairy/eggs, grains (what and corn)
Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels wrote
says only 2 people
proletariat-working class, supplies labor, doesn’t matter education
bourgeoise- upper class, supplies capital, don’t work
everything thing that has happened in history is because of the two groups fighting
at some point the proletariats will get tired of working for bourgeoise and rebel and overthrow
communist manifesto
more radical than socialism, increased government control
government controls production and cosumption
Total Warfare Was in what century
total wars
conflict in which all resources and all people are involved
ex. WW1 and WW2
what causes total warfare
industrial revolution
imperial expansion
intense nationalism (the modern idea of a country) because of this, other groups become “other”
what did the new military mobalize..
all state resources for purpose of waging war/to keep people alive
sex, age, social class, private and public
military mobalize sex
men and women fight in war or work in war somehow: all are targets
military mobalize age
80 could work in ware to keep soldiers fighting so could children all targets
military mobalize social class
drafted all
military mobalize PRIVATE and public
if a buisness makes something that is not valuable in war efforts, the factory is change to make something that helps while a war is being fought
improved military tech. and new tactics led to
increased number of casualties
trench warefare
build trench so body isnt exposed
issues: nobody dies/fights so too scared to leave,
water from rain causes trench foot from standing in water
people stand in feces
can drop things into trench
terrorist tactics used by government, cluster bombs, bombs spread at random
technologies created in 20th century war new military
airplanes, tanks, nepalm (weaponized vasoline), chemical gas
Rape of Nanjing
mass murder and rape against chinese by Japenese troops
unknown number of casualties
japenese record were destroyed so much unknown (christian missionaries toldd)
bet on who could rape and kill most to win a dinner
What years were the global economic crises/interwar years
who printed more money and what’s the affect
the value a of the German mark decreased causing hyper inflation
who couldnt pay of their war debts to France and england and whats the affects
Britain and France struggle to pay their own debts to the US
Who needed to borrow money from US and what did this lead to
germany, rapid economic recovery fo rall
Vladimir Lenin begins the New Economic Plan what in what and what are the affects
soviet union, introduced limited free market principles
Stalin what to grow the economiy faster for what and did what
introduced 5-year plan to multiply soviet industrial capacity by 5
soviet union
making private farms into large government ones
collectivization in the Soviet Union led to
all produce of the land shipped to industrial workers
arrest and execution of ______ in the soviet union led to what
kulaks- educated wealthy elite
all that was left were peasants who couldnt match production levels of Kulaks
Stailin shipped all of whose grain to the cities which lef to
which left them with no food for themselves and they couldn’t leave bc of laws so they died
US Stock market crash caused
America to have Great Depression
US couldnt invest in where to help rebuild it after WW1
Great Depression became worldwide phenomenon
who began the new deal and what happened
Franklin D. Roosevelt
gov.t put people to work on infrastructure
introduced a government-sponsored retirement
created gov.t medical insurance
upper class, great economy, “american dream”, entertainment heavy
poverty economy plummeted, life was bad
economic and social downfall
what is not a cause for total war
increased civilian deaths
what was a new TECHNOLOGY developed for total war
chemical gas
how can u best describe life between 1920 and 1940
the 1920s was a period of growth/recovery while the 1930s saw economic collapse
in a total war who is involved
all of the state’s resources and people used to help with war
a major cause of global economic crises in the interwar years was
inability of germany to pay off war debts
a similarity between the interwar governments of totalitarian states, Britain and the US is that
they saw changes in government function between 1920-1940
the majority of reasons for the spread of communism and China were
political and economic
Silent Holocaust
killed by their own military maya lost 40 percent of their population
President Montt
Armenian Genocide (1917)
90 percent of of armenian christians killed
Mustafa Kemal Araturk
Chinese Genocide WW2/ Nanjing Massacre
General Iwane
By the end, Japanese troops were led by General Iwane killed 6 millioncitizens
the killing fields
Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge
Pol Pot and his communist regime slaughtered 1/3 of his countrymen
99 percent of the Vietnamese who had fled to escape the Vietnam war
Tutsis Massacre/Rawandan Genocide
the hutu
tribal conflic between the Hutu ethnic majority and Tutsu ethnic minority ended with 70 percent of tusu killed
Effacer Le Tableau
rebel forces
congo rebels needed terriotory for a base and “cleansed” over 40 percent of Pygmies to get it
what did the US, British, and Totalitarian states all have in common
changes in govt and had a party to support socialism or communism
woodrow wilson
remained democratic republic
democrats and republicans
winston churchill
tories and labors
Totalitarian States
stalin, hitler, mussolini
sought to control all aspects of life
punishes people who didn’t agree with the government
included fascism
reaction against WW1 + economic collapse
began cultural and poltical search - cultural revolution
soviet union helped him gain power
major cause of communism
mao gained power quickly