Test 1 Review Flashcards
institution for care of mentally ill
assertive community training (ACT)
way of delivering comprehensive and effective services to people with severe mental illness
group of people who share common characteristics
community mental health
development and delivery of programs for defined group of people
thoughts, actions, customs, beliefs of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups
-based on way of life
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
standard manual used for diagnosis of mental disorders
“bible of mental health”
DSM-IV is most recent we use
Disability adjusted life year (DALY)
measure that expresses years of life lost to premature death and years lived with disability due to mental illness
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
electroshock treatment in which seizures are induced for therapeutic effect
-used to treat severe major depression unresponsive to other treatment
surgical technique that involves making an incision in the frontal lobe, severing several nerve tracts
mental disorders
characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior associated with distress and impaired functioning
mental health
successful performance of mental function
mental health problems
signs and symptoms of insufficient intensity or duration to meet criteria for mental disorder
mental illness
umbrella term for all mental disorders
study of origin, development, and manifestations of mental or behavioral disorders
public health
prevention of disease and promotion of health by govt agencies thats concerned with health of community
seasonal affective disorder
mood disorder in which people have normal health but have depressive symptoms during certain times of the year, usually winter
from greek word soma meaning body
alterations in nonmental functions
behavioral therapy
psychotherapy that seeks to stop or inhibit abnormal behavior with positive and negative reinforcement
biopsychosocial model of disease
model that states that biological, psychological, and social factors all play a role in health and illness
cognitive therapy
psychological therapy in which cognition is seen as most significant factor in psychological problems
crisis hotline
phone number you can call to get immediate emergency counseling over the phone by trained volunteers
traditional folk healer or shaman in Hispanic culture
false belief or opinion
conditions with known pathology (detectable physical change)
clusters of symptoms and signs associated with distress and disability with unknown pathology and etiology
drugless system of therapy based on use of physical forces such as heat, water, light, air, and massage
pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcus (PANDAS)
psychiatric disorder that entails sudden onset of symptoms like those of OCD following strep, caused by autoimmune reactions
symptom or feature of mental illness usually characterized by radical changes in personality, impaired functioning, and distorted sense of reality
tourette syndrome
neurologic condition that causes person to make vocal or motor tics that they can’t control
refers collectively to people who identify as African American, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans
physical characteristics and genetic or biological makeup
groups whose members identify based on common heritage
-based on background
history, language, music and food preferences
false notion that some races are superior to others
idioms of distress
characteristic models of expressing suffering
ex) some cultures suppress emotions
culture-bound syndromes
clusters of symptoms more common in some cultures
cultural psychiatry
examining how social, cultural, and biological contexts interact to shape reactions
cultural variations and differences that influence effectiveness of pharmacotherapies
cultural competence
ability to interact with people of different cultures
4 components
1. awareness of worldview
2. attitude of cultural differences
3. knowledge of different cultural practices
4. cross-cultural skills
What was mental health often associated with in the past?
the supernatural
What did people in the past think caused mental illnesses?
demons or possession
Moral Treatment Movement
- said they needed an asylum away from everyday activities to heal
- bad quality
- William Tuke, Dorothea Hix, and Horace Mann
Mental Hygiene Movement
- Adolf Meyer and Clifford Beers
- mental illness can be cured if treated early
- lobotomy and ECT, quality still deteriorating
Community Mental Health Movement
- long term stay was harmful and ineffective, led to decreased hospital stay length
- led to Medicare and Medicaid benefits such as nursing homes and psychiatric units
- community did not welcome discharged patients
Community Support Movement
- support system to address welfare needs
- ACT helps severe patients with welfare needs
- lack of insurance, access barriers, and discrimination
Adjustment Disorder
emotional or behavioral symptoms within 3 mos. of stressful event or situation and continued for no more than 6 mos.
symptoms: depressed or anxious mood, isolation, physical complaints
Anxiety Disorders
uncomfortable and subjective feeling that occurs in response to fear of certain objects or situations
physical signs: high blood pressure, shortness of breath, eye twitch, sweating, rapid heartbeat
-GAD, PTSD, OCD, panic disorder, social anxiety, agoraphobia)
generalized anxiety disorder
constant worrying about everyday things
progresses to preoccupation
post traumatic stress disorder
hyper alertness, flashbacks, aggressive behavior, numb to emotions, etc resulting from witnessing a traumatic event
-usually within first 3 mos. of event
obsessive-compulsive disorder
obsession-unwanted, repetitive thoughts
compulsion-behaviors or thoughts, can’t help but do them
the behaviors dominate life
panic disorder
disorganized thinking and overwhelming feeling of fear
- situations of high stress
- sudden attack that peaks within 10-15 mins
fear of being away from somewhere familiar or being alone in public
Cognitive Disorders
affect memory, perception, problem solving
result from mental deterioration
-delirium, dementia, amnesia
- decreased awareness of environment
- attention and memory impairment
- altered perception
-impaired memory, judgment, intellectual function, and abstract thinking
short and long term memory problems
inability to recall previously learned info
Dissociative Disorders
change in awareness of behavior, memories, identity, and personality consistency
2+ personalities, each with own memory and values
symptoms: “spacey” and dramatic changes in way they act
Eating Disorders
extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors involving weight and food
- anorexia, bulimia, binge eating
- women and athletes particularly at risk
Factitious Disorders
physical and/or emotional symptoms intentionally experienced in order to place individual in role of person in need of help
Impulse Control and Addiction Disorders
unable to resist urges to perform acts that could be harmful
- begin ignoring responsibilities and relationships
- pyromania, kleptomania, compulsive gambling
- alcohol and drugs common objects of addiction
Mood disorders
disturbances in emotional, behavioral, and physical patterns
- range from extreme low to extreme elation (depression, mania)
symptoms: problems with memory and concentration, fatigue, grandiosity, apathy - depression, mania, bipolar, SAD
symptoms: in a 2 week period-loss of interest, fatigue, insomnia or hypersomnia, activity changes, recurrent suicidal thoughts
- genetic predisposition
Bipolar Disorder
cycle between mania and depression rapidly or slowly
-manic symptoms: constant enthusiasm, grandiose delusions, word salad, flight of ideas, buying sprees
Personality Disorders
extreme and inflexible personality traits that are distressing
- may not understand effects of behavior
- manipulative, impulsive, self centered, controlling
- antisocial, paranoid, schizoid, etc
Paranoid personality disorder
distrust and suspiciousness
everyone is against them
carry grudges and easily angered
Schizoid personality disorder
loners, social interaction increases anxiety
blunt affect, often take solitary jobs and have no close friends
Schizotypal personality disorder
inappropriate affect (such as laughing at funeral)
fear intimacy and are isolated
can lead to schizophrenia
Antisocial personality disorder
don’t comply with social norms
very irresponsible and reckless
no remorse
Narcissistic personality disorder
grandiosity, need for admiration
can be exploitative and arrogant
feel entitled
Histrionic personality disorder
excessive emotion and attention seeking
try to be seductive
easily influenced
Borderline personality disorder
instability of relationships and self image
want drama, marked impulsivity
reckless behaviors and self damaging behaviors
Avoidant personality disorder
hypersensitivity to negative thoughts
views self as inferior, only want to be around people that like them
Dependent personality disorder
can’t make their own decisions because of a lack of confidence and live under the control of others
Psychotic disorders
distorted awareness and thinking
hallucinations and delusions
schizophrenia and delusion disorder
positive (not normal) and negative (absent of normal) symptoms
positive:psychosis, hallucinations
negative:social withdrawal, memory problems
flat affect, abnormal reflexes and eye movements
only 60% of people get treatment, can start as early as teens
-psychotic symptoms
Sexual and Gender disorders
affect sexual desire, performance, and behaviors
-sexual dysfunction, gender identity disorder, paraphilias, and sexual desire disorders
Sleep Disorders
insomnia, hypersomnia, sleep terrors, and circadian rhythm disorders
Somatoform disorders
physical symptoms but there is no cause
- dysfunction related to physical self awareness
- obsessively interested in diseases and processes
- hypochondriasis, panic disorder, body dysmorphic disorder
Substance related disorders
recurrent use of substances that results in failure to fulfill major obligations
Tic disorder
making vocal or motor tics that are beyond their control