Test 1 Random shit Flashcards
Basic T instrument
ASI - Airspeed indicator
ADI - Attitude Direction Indicator
ALT - Altimeter
Horizontal Gyro
What does the red radial line indicate?
never exceed
Standard day pressure
29.92 inches of mercury, 1013.25 hPa, 14.7 psi
Absolute pressure
Gauge pressure
What kind of pressure does ASI measure?
Differential Pressure
What measures wider range of pressure?
What kind of pressure source does ASI use?
pitot and static
This error is a lag in the altitude indications caused by the elastic properties of the materials used in the aneroids.
Hysteresis test
Altimeter is a ______ instrument.
As altitude increases, pressure ______.
What kind of pressure variation does barometer set knob change?
Aircraft above 18,000ft . What pressure do we put?
standard day, pressure altitude
What is altitude FL270?
_______ transmits information to transponder that transmits to ATC.
Encoding altimeter
What kind of pressure does MAch use?
pitot and static
Radio altimeter frequency range?
4250 - 4350mHz
___ cycle per aircraft altitude.
Component that counts frequency difference and converts to DC signal.
beat frequency counter
Instrument that measures rate of change.
Vertical Speed indicator (VSI)
What is the same pressure with pressure in the bellows in VSI and 4 pictures of instrument that needs to be identified