Test 1 Ethics Flashcards
The idea that ethical statements are really statements of personal opinion, nothing more. (Right for me, wrong for you)
These are weaknesses of which concept?
- It can’t deal with ethical disagreement because when people disagree ethically, they are saying “I believe X and you should too!”
- People generally do not include the italicized part above when talking about opinion. E.g. No matter how much you like McDonald’s, you probably don’t believe every one should like it as much as you. However, you might feel you are right about your position on the death penalty and people should agree with it.
- If ethics is just about opinions, than no one was ever wrong about racism, slavery, sexism, genocide, or pretty much anything!
- People actually change their minds about their ethical standpoints, or at least question them…this is incompatible with subjectivism since, by its nature, assumes people are infallible about their ethics (opinions).
The ethical theory that says right and wrong are relative to one’s culture.
Cultural Relativism
Which thesis is this:
Ethical standards differ from culture to culture; what may be right in one may be wrong in another. E.g. Equal rights for women, blasphemy, etc.
The Diversity Thesis
Which thesis is this:
Therefore, what people ought to do is based on their own culture’s ethical standards. Note that this thesis sidesteps what ethics depends on except for what is commonly understood.
The Dependency Thesis
These are the weaknesses of which concept?
- It is difficult to define cultural boundaries within even one geographic domain, such as Canada.
- People generally find their identity in more than one culture or subculture…what then?
- Curiously, ____________ ___________ lacks respect for tolerance. If __________ ___________ were to encourage tolerance everywhere, it would be suggesting an ethical standard that transcends all cultures…breaking its own rule. ;)
Cultural Relativism
What is ethics?
Less about the way things are, and more about how they ought to be.
When describing a phenomena, people use ______________ statements, striving for a non-biased neutral account.
When speaking ethically, people tend to use ______________ statements, which describe how things should be, according to norms. E. g. “You should take out the garbage”.
“Ought” implies “____”. E. g. Nick has no arms or no legs so it is ridiculous to say he is morally required to take out the trash. However, we can find another normative statement such as “Nick should help his younger sister with her homework”.
“If our actions are determined, then are we responsible for them?”. List the four determinants.
Genetic, psychological, theological, and causal.
What concept is this? “If i do not have the choice to make a particular decision, it would be difficult to hold me responsible for it”.
What type of responsibility is this? –> It is simply determining whos actions caused what result.
Causal responsibility
What type of responsibility is this? –> It is seen as follows: does the person in question deserve the moral praise or condemnation for the action in question?
Moral responsibility
Which concept is this? “One could only earn the praise or condemnation if one chose (free will) the action that would elicit the response”.
Results that happen deprived of the element of choice may be seen as ______, but not really ________.
tragic and im/moral
Ethics requires _____ _____, and being morally responsible for something requires that one uses one’s ______ ______ to choose the action for which they are morally responsible.
Free will
What do we call desires about our desires?
Second-order desires
A desire for anything other than a desire.
First-order desires
What concepts are these definitions associated with?
________: concerns itself with (surprise!) the study of value and evaluation.
________: The process of determining how good or bad something is.
________: What makes that thing good!
The Value Theory, Evaluation and Value
Which evaluation method is this: “A big sundae of your favorite ice cream is better than a small cone of it”.
Quantitative method of evaluation
Which evaluation method is this: “If I like cake a lot better than toast, then one small piece of cake is better than five pieces of toast”.
Qualitative method of evaluation
What concept is this: “An argument assumes the truth of its conclusion in its premises as opposed to evidence or reasons people can agree upon apart from the conclusion.”
Begging the Question
Which concept is this?:
“There is no such thing as an action that is inherently good or evil; an action’s “goodness or evilness” is determined by the context under which it took place.”
The Moral Object
Which RRQ concept is this?:
- It is necessary to put aside myths and presuppositions regarding the moral object and understand what it is empirically, with as little bias as possible.
- E.g. The Napalm example in class.
What RRQ concept is this?
- Refers to the motivating reason or intention of the person performing the action.
- Motive gives essential meaning to the human action since we are the only creatures who act out of thought.
- E.g. The money-lending scenario from class
What RRQ concept is this?
- Refers to the method in which the action manifests.
- It is not simply “If you do it nicely, it is good” or “If you lack style, it is bad.”
- Usually about issues of integrity.
- E.g. The sledgehammer mercy killing example from class.
What RRQ concept is this?
- To do ethics abstractly and ignore the who that you are dealing with is a tragedy, since every person is utterly unique.
- This does not mean that what Lola wants is good for Lola. It means taking into account the identities of all involved.
- “The right person for the job.”
- E.g. The boyfriend cheating example from class.
What RRQ concept is this?
- Odd to think of geography as making a moral difference, but it can. An action in a particular location may be offensive where it otherwise mightn’t be.
- E.g. Loading a gun at a firing range versus a crowded bus.
What RRQ concept is this?
- The time factor often affects what you are dealing with, influences the chain of events and limits the alternatives available.
- The timing matters, whether it is when you break bad news or when you decide to terminate life.
What RRQ concept is this?
- This question does not demand some sort of omniscience; rather, based especially on the answer to “who?”, one should attempt to determine what are the most likely consequences to the action being considered.
What are the foreseeable effects?
What RRQ concept is this?
- This question is necessary to prevent someone from stubbornly “force-fitting” the answers from the other questions to make a desired course of action seem reasonable.
- Note that for this question and the previous one, a well-practiced imagination is vital.
What are the viable alternatives?
What concept is associated to this definition: The idea that we act based on our own self interest.
What concept is associated to this definition: The theory that people are essentially self-centered, acting on what is good for them. It is a descriptive theory.
Psychological Egoism
What concept is associated to this definition: The theory that people should act on their own best interests. It is a normative theory.
Ethical Egoism
Which Western philosopher was one of the greatest proponents for the Psychological Egoism theory?
Thomas Hobbes (He believed that maximizing your self-interest is a core aspect of what being a human being is. It is our nature.
Hobbes also believed it was rational to pursue our self-interest…it’s just that people don’t always pursue the most rational strategy in advancing their own good = a form of egoism called contractarianism.
What sub category of psychological egoism is this?:
Suggests you pursue all your immediate interests as they pop up. E.g. Keep promises until it no longer serves your needs, take whatever is needed at the time, etc.
Naive Egoism
What sub category of psychological egoism is this?:
Suggests being willing to frustrate short-term interests for the sake of long-term ones. E.g. While inconvenient, keeping a minor promise may have a bigger payoff later when someone more important decides you’re trustworthy.
Enlightened Egoism
_________ believed that the pre-societal state was ruled by _____ _________, but that society is formed by people thinking along the lines of ________ __________.
Hobbes, Naive egoism, Psychological egoism
What sub category of ethical egoism is this?:
I ought to look out for my own interests. Help is given to others only when it also helps myself.
Individual Ethical Egoism
What sub category of ethical egoism is this?:
Everybody ought to look out for their own interests. Help is given to others when it coincides with helping oneself.
Universal Ethical Egoism
In ________________, “good” is determined by results; the better the consequences, the more responsibility you have to bring them about.
________________ is the form of consequentialism that evaluates consequences based on how much happiness and suffering they contain.
_________ ___________ is most closely associated with Utilitarianism and he referred to this as ______________ which is his belief that the good humans pursue is happiness, and the absence of pain.
Jeremy Bentham and the Principle of Utility
What concept is this?: Bentham married Hedonism (pursuit of pleasure or in this case happiness) with egalitarianism. This means that everyone’s happiness is valued equally. So when a decision is made, the happiness and suffering of all involved is taken into account.
Maximizing Utility
What are the determinants according to Bentham that decides an action’s potential utility?
Intensity (level of pleasure), Duration (the time length of pain or pleasure), Certainty (the likelyhood of something happening), Propinquity (immediacy of the pleasure rather than the action), Fecundity (likelyhood of an action to follow with more pain or pleasure), Purity/Impurity (Basically the opposite of fecundity, it measures how likely the action will be followed up by the opposite feeling) and Extent (how wide of an effect the actions has. 1 versus more).
What are the two types of pleasures John Stuart Mill mentions in his book “Utilitarianism” ?
Higher pleasures and lower pleasures
What concept is this?:
Involves directly increasing the good through one’s actions, in each situation. Done in the following way:
- Assess the options
- How much good or utility is produced by each option?
- Remember Bentham’s Hedonistic Calculus.
- Choose the right option.
Act Utilitarianism (bending rules to achieve the best consequences).
What concept is this?
Involves indirectly increasing the good by following rules of behaviour. This is accomplished in the following steps:
1) Ascertain your general rule of conduct
2) Ask what would happen if everyone followed this rule
3) Ask about the opposite rule
4) Choose the best alternative that would have a net increase in utility over the long run.
Rule Utilitarianism
What concept defines itself by going above and beyond one’s ethical duties?
What utilitarianism challenge is this?
An adherence to utilitarian values requires a detachment from your sense of self and a diminishment of identity.
A threat to integrity
Can we really know what produces the most good? Because knowing what will actually happen is impossible, _____________ may yield some weird results: Being praised for actions that would seem wrong/blamed for actions that seem right
Counter-argument: Differentiate between expected and actual consequences (Rule ___________).
Utilitarianism 2x