Chap. 03 Psych Flashcards
What is the scientific study of human sexuality, including sexual behaviours, interests and function?
What do we call a trained professional who specializes in human sexuality?
How old is the history of human sexuality?
about 200 000+ years
What is the Hindu Kama Sutra (400 BCE to 200 CE)?
It is an ancient text discussing love, desire and pleasure and it includes how-to manual for having sexual intercouse.
What religious books contain rules, advice and stories about sex?
The Muslim Qur’an, Jewish Torah and Christian Bible
A German psyhiatrist published ______________ _________________ which is considered to be the leading work that established sexology as a scientific discipline.
Psychopathia Sexualis
Which English medical doctor and sexologist wrote the book Sexual Inversion (1897)?
Havelock Ellis
Which book is the first objective study of homosexuality and described the sexual relations of homosexual males?
Sexual Inversion (1897)
Who is the first scientist to link sex to healthy development?
Sigmund Freud
What are the 5 psychosexual stages according to Freud?
oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital
Which American biologist, the father of human sexuality, wanted to teach a course on Marriage but didnt have enough data on sexual behaviour so he conducted a survey and interviewed 18 thousand people about their sexual histories?
Alfred Kinsey
What discoveries were found during Kinsey’s Research?
1.Women are as interested and experienced in sex as their male counterparts.
2.Both males and females masturbate without adverse health consequences.
3. Homosexual acts are common.
4. Kinsey scale = continuum.
Which couple observed 10,000 sexual acts as a part of their research to measure the physiological responses during sexual behaviours?
William Masters and Virginia Johnson
Masters and Johnson divided the sexual response cycle into what four phases?
excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
How are there possible biases in research?
- 90% of research comes from North America.
- Non-generalizable to individuals outside of that area.
- Need to be more inclusive of the Global South (incl. Asia, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East).
- Geographical and cultural bias!